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Re: Newly Released Mathematica 5.1 Delivers Unmatched Performance for Handling Data

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg52358] Re: Newly Released Mathematica 5.1 Delivers Unmatched Performance for Handling Data
  • From: "Kevin J. McCann" <kmccann at>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 02:32:31 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I don't know firsthand that Wolfram said something like

I think WRI have said that this is a Mac problem due to the apple
implementation of postscript/PDF.

However, they did report to me that a similar problem under Linux is an 
X11 problem. As I have before, I note here that we are buying 
Mathematica to do a job, not to be told that it is X11's fault or Mac's 
ps/pdf implementation fault. All that may in fact be true; however, if 
Mathematica doesn't work properly then it is broken and there is a bug. 
The sort of comments I have heard are really irritating, and I wish the 
developers would just accept the responsibility for a bad choice on 
their part, and then fix it. This rotated-text problem has been with us 
for at least two years. I second the thought that new features are fine, 
but how about putting a similar effort into fixing the old problems.


Mike wrote:
> On 21/11/04 10:53 PM, in article cnq33i$2h5$1 at, "David Park"
> <djmp at> wrote:
>>Here is one thing that I hazard is a new bug. I don't actually have 5.1 so
>>maybe someone can check it for me.
>>The following works fine in 5.0.1.
>>f[x_, y_] :=
>>With[{v = Sin[x y]},
>>  Which[v < 0, Gray,
>>    v < 0.2, LightCoral,
>>    v < 0.4, PaleGreen,
>>    v < 0.6, CadetBlue,
>>    v < 0.8, GeraniumLake,
>>    True, UltramarineViolet
>>    ]]
>>    {RasterArray[
>>        Table[f[x, y], {x, 0, 5, 5/101}, {y, 0, 5, 5/101}], {{0, 0}, {5,
>>            5}}]}],
>>  AspectRatio -> Automatic,
>>  Frame -> True,
>>  ImageSize -> 400];
>>If it doesn't work in 5.1, I'm sure there's a good reason.
>>David Park
>>djmp at
>>From: Time E. Time [mailto:timetime at]
To: mathgroup at
>>New features and better algorithms are great, but does anyone know if
>>they've fixed any bugs in this release?  Things like
>>The rotated text bug on Macs where labels on the y-axis of frames are
> I think WRI have said that this is a Mac problem due to the apple
> implementation of postscript/PDF. Eg. If you use Apple's 'save as PDF' the
> text is garbled but if you use Acrobat it comes out fine.
> Mike
>>The instability in large eigenvalue calculations, which sometimes make
>>it impossible to interrupt the kernel and other times cause the kernel
>>to unexpectedly quit.
>>The "feature" where Mathematica uses a non-standard character
>>encoding, so that text in graphics is garbled when imported into some
>>other programs, like Illustrator.
>>I'm excited about cluster analysis, but I can't bring myself to fork
>>over any more money to Stephen Wolfram until simple problems which
>>have existed for years are fixed.


fn:Kevin J. McCann
n:McCann;Kevin J.
org:University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC);Physics/JCET
adr:1000 Hilltop Circle;;Physics Building;Baltimore;MD;21250;USA
email;internet:kmccann at
title:Research Associate Professor


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