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Re: SSH Remote Kernel on Windows - Can it be done?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg56112] Re: SSH Remote Kernel on Windows - Can it be done?
  • From: Antti Penttilä
  • Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 04:48:45 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: University of Helsinki
  • References: <d3lrlm$sad$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


You don't say what's the client machine, is it Windows too?

If you have SSH working with keypairs so it doesn't ask password, the remote kernel connection should be possible (if you don't have any firewalls between the machines!).

You could try to work you way towards the solution by starting the remote kernel first manually. In these cases, it might be best to define beforehand the port number for mathlink-connection. In the server end, the command could look something like this:

math.exe -mathlink -LinkMode Listen -LinkProtocol TCP -LinkName 3500

and in the client end, arguments to MLOpen could be:

-LinkMode Connect -LinkProtocol TCP -LinkOptions MLDontInteract -LinkName 3500 at

Shell commend to launch kernel:
Empty at this point.

First start the serverpart manually, then try to start the remote kernel from mathematica. If this works, write the SSH-command with math.exe etc. to 'Shell command to launch kernel'-box. If it doesn't work, try to change the roles of the machines (Listen-Connect) and remember to start always first the one that 'listens'


   Antti Penttilä       Antti.I.Penttila at

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