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Re: Typesetting Mathematica code


something like:

I have a TeX Frontend for Mathematica for that, your write
an almost LaTeX file with imput enclosed in 
and the TeX Frontend (yes a command line program) translate the
input into TeX ( replace alpha by \alpha, scC by 
\mathcal{C}, -> by \Rule
...) send the contents of the 
mathinput-envorinment to the Mathematica
kernel and insert the evaluation results also in the TeX ouput file.
To label graphics it uses psfrak macros because the kernel alone
can't do the typesetting

Mail me if you want the program and the requred files.
The only thing the your TeX must know are my Mathematica
LaTeX fonts, so that all the nice symbols are shown in TeX


"J. McKenzie Alexander" <jalex at> schrieb 
im Newsbeitrag news:d3t3jq$8n4$1 at
> What is the best way for including Mathematica 
> source code (typically
> whole cells) - using the same typeface/font as 
> in the front end - in
> LaTeX documents?
> It seems to me that there are three solutions: 
> TeXForm, TeXSave, and
> saving the cell as EPS.  But none of these seem 
> really feasible.
> Using TeXForm doesn't seem ideal, since 
> TeXForm[ expr ] first evaluates
> expr and prints a TeX version of the output, 
> where what I want is the
> TeXForm of expr before evaluation. TeXSave is 
> deprecated in Mathematica
> 5.1 and, anyway, doesn't preserve the 
> typeface/font.  For example, the
> lower-case double-stroked "e", "i", and "d" 
> characters are translated
> into ordinary "e", "i", and "d".  The only 
> fail-safe way seems to be
> saving the cell as EPS, but that won't really 
> work for very long cells,
> and seems extremely wasteful, since the same 
> font definitions will be
> included many, many times.

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