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Re: Re: small puzzle programming

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg53908] Re: [mg53869] Re: [mg53857] small puzzle programming
  • From: DrBob <drbob at>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 04:11:02 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: drbob at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I must have failed to practice what I preach, and use the "Copy as InputForm" palette!

The code could be simpler, because there are really only two rules needed:

1) Always take the sheep if you can, but...
2) Never take back what you just brought.


On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 18:19:34 +0100, E. Martin-Serrano <EmilioMartin-Serrano at> wrote:

> Bobby,
> It works for me.
> But for some reason I got some misspellings. (See the weird characters "â�"
> inside multiple round brackets below). For those who got the same
> misspelling, change it into "!=". That works fine.
> next@{history_List, left_List, right_List} /; MemberQ[right, shepherd] :=
>    Module[{result},
>      Catch@Scan[
>          (history[[-1]](((((((( â�))))))))  # &&
>                (result = {Union[left, {#, shepherd}],
>      Complement[right, {#, shepherd}]};
>                  compatible @@ result[[-1]]) && Throw@Prepend[result,
> Append[
>                history, #]]) &,
>          Reverse@right]
>      ]
> The same in:
> next[done : {_, {}, _}] := done
> next@{history_List, left_List, right_List} /; MemberQ[left, shepherd] :=
>    Module[{result},
>      Catch@Scan[
>          ((history == {} ||
>       history[[-1]] ((((((â�)))))  #) && (result = {Complement[left, {#,
> shepherd}], Union[
>      right, {#, shepherd}]};
>                  compatible @@ result[[1]]) &&
>          Throw@Prepend[result, Append[history, #]]) &,
>          left]
>      ]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DrBob [mailto:drbob at]
To: mathgroup at
> Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 10:08 AM
> To: mathgroup at
> Subject: [mg53908] [mg53869] Re: [mg53857] small puzzle programming
> SURELY there's a less involved solution, but here's a way to do it, anyway:
> The shepherd's choices at each step are to transport the wolf, sheep, or
> grass -- or else take the boat alone.
> The state vector will consist of three lists: a history of moves already
> made and the objects on each bank (including the shepherd). Numerical values
> are given to the symbols in order to order them a certain way. The values
> could be very different, so long as (a) they are four distinct values, and
> (b) the shepherd's value is greater than the others.
> {wolf, sheep, grass, shepherd} = Range@4;
> initial = {{}, {wolf, sheep, grass, shepherd}, {}};
> The "interpret" function will translate a final solution into English (more
> or less). This may make more sense later.
> interpret = TableForm@Transpose@{PadRight[{}, Length@#, {"->
>            ", "<-"}], #} /. Thread[Range@4 -> {"with the wolf", "with the
> sheep
>                  ", "with the grass", "alone"}] &;
> Empty sets, singletons, sets that include the shepherd, and the {wolf,
> grass} combination are compatible. All others are incompatible. (As it
> happens, sets that include the shepherd will never be tested, so that rule
> could be omitted.)
> Clear@compatible
> Attributes[compatible] = {Orderless};
> compatible[shepherd, ___] = True;
> compatible[wolf, grass] = True;
> compatible[_] = True;
> compatible[] = True;
> compatible[__] = False;
> The "next" function chooses the first legal move it finds, since the
> shepherd actually has NO CHOICE how to do this (aside from cycling).
> Available choices are determined by the objects on the bank where the
> shepherd stands.
> But the order of those choices is important. When moving forward, going
> alone is the last choice examined. When moving backward, going alone is the
> first choice a shepherd should think of.
> If he stands on the left bank, each object on that bank is examined in
> order. An object is disqualified if (a) it was transported in the previous
> move, or (b) taking that object will leave behind an incompatible
> combination. (The opposite bank is guaranteed compatible, because the
> shepherd will be there.)
> The FIRST rule listed must be the one that says, "If everybody is on the far
> bank, STOP."
> Clear@next
> next[done : {_, {}, _}] := done
> next@{history_List, left_List, right_List} /; MemberQ[left, shepherd] :=
>    Module[{result},
>      Catch@Scan[
>          ((history == {} ||
>       history[[-1]] � #) && (result = {Complement[left, {#, shepherd}],
> Union[
>      right, {#, shepherd}]};
>                  compatible @@ result[[1]]) &&
>          Throw@Prepend[result, Append[history, #]]) &,
>          left]
>      ]
> Code for backward moves is symmetric with that for forward moves except that
> (a) choices are considered in reverse order, and (b) "history" is known to
> be non-empty.
> next@{history_List, left_List, right_List} /; MemberQ[right, shepherd] :=
>    Module[{result},
>      Catch@Scan[
>          (history[[-1]] � # &&
>                (result = {Union[left, {#, shepherd}],
>      Complement[right, {#, shepherd}]};
>                  compatible @@ result[[-1]]) && Throw@Prepend[result,
> Append[
>                history, #]]) &,
>          Reverse@right]
>      ]
> interpret@First@FixedPoint[next, initial]
> TableForm[
>    {{"->", "with the sheep"},
>     {"<-", "alone"},
>     {"->", "with the wolf"},
>     {"<-", "with the sheep"},
>     {"->", "with the grass"},
>     {"<-", "alone"},
>     {"->", "with the sheep"}}]
> If the shepherd had real choices, this would be (I think) a good bit harder.
> Somebody will probably prove me wrong.
> Bobby
> On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 03:18:21 -0500 (EST), zak <chocolatez at> wrote:
>> how to code the following puzzle in mathematica programming language:
>>  the shepherd who want to cross a river aboard a boat taking with him
>> one of the following items (wolf,sheep,grass) one per time,
>>  lst ={S,w,g,p}  may describe the group on one side of the river
>>  lst2={}  may describe the the current state of the other side of the
> river.
>> the pairs {{w,p} ,{p,g}} are not allowed
>> of course the solution is:
>> ((S,p),(S,w),(S,p),(S,g),(S,p))
>> but how to code this or may be other ideas.
>> zak

DrBob at

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