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Precise bitmaps

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg54703] Precise bitmaps
  • From: "Jan G. Korvink" <korvink at>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 01:29:46 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear All,

I am battling to obtain a "precise" Raster[] of some Graphics[] objects. 
There seems to be no straightforward way to do the conversion, so I tried:

Export[ /tmp/myfile, Graphics[myGraphics], ImageSize -> {xmax,ymax} 
myBitsPerUnit ]
g = Import[ /tmp/myfile ]

from which I can unpack the Raster[]. Unfortunately the Raster[] 
contains extra white space around the object, and no matter what I 
select for "myfile" (I have tried all bitmap formats) I get a 
consistently bad result. Furthermore, the Export/Import route is pretty 
bad, since it is slow for large pictures.

What works is to use Adobe Illustrator as the rendering engine. But this 
is not nice!

I do not want to implement a renderer, unless absolutely necessary, and 
it seems silly since Mathematica has such an animal.

Can anyone suggest an alternative route?

Thanks in advance, Jan

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