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Re: goto and label (cont)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg57821] Re: goto and label (cont)
  • From: "Stefan Linnik" <- at>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 05:18:14 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <d83rft$s68$> <d868ce$bu0$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

How about something like:

i= 0;
    i= i+1;
    Print["something 1 = ", i];
    If[i <=3, Continue[] ];

    i= i+10;
    Print["something 2 = ", i];
    If[i < 30, Continue[] ],

Print["something else"];

something 1 = 1
something 1 = 2
something 1 = 3
something 1 = 4
something 2 = 14
something 1 = 15
something 2 = 25
something 1 = 26
something 2 = 36
something 1 = 37
something 2 = 47
something else

Stefan Linnik

"Guy Israeli" <guyi1 at> wrote in message 
news:d868ce$bu0$1 at
> Hi again,
> since everyone tells me not to use goto and label (although for the use 
> i'll
> describe below it is very comfterable and the simplest way to do it. If
> anyone can suggests an alternative/mathematica way of doing it, please do.
> the pseudocode with goto
> label[l]
> do something1
> if condition1==true goto[l]
> do something2
> if condition2==true goto[l]
> do some other stuff
> as you see i do something1 then check some cond. if something didn't go 
> well
> i start doing everything from the start. same for something2. I want to go
> all the way to the top. using a while or something alike would need some
> variable to hold it and maintaine which is messy. or if a do while loop
> exists (?) it will need to do everything and then restart. I want some
> mechanism that will restart itself if conditions are not met. goto seems 
> the
> only simple option to do it.
> again, suggestions are always welcomed
> Thanks a lot,
> Guy

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