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Re: MathML, Mozilla, fonts and Mathematica 5.2

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg61001] Re: [mg60976] MathML, Mozilla, fonts and Mathematica 5.2
  • From: Chris Chiasson <chris.chiasson at>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 03:37:45 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: Chris Chiasson <chris.chiasson at>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I think the new versions of the fonts are named differently than the
ones for which Mozilla looks.
Mozilla: "I need Math1"
GNU/Linux: "Umm, how about Mathematica1?"
Mozilla: "Go to

On 10/6/05, Steven T. Hatton <hattons at> wrote:
> I'm running SuSE 9.3 on a P4. IIRC, the fonts required to support MathML
> with Mozilla on Linux are not the same are are distributed with the more
> recent versions of Mathematica.  I don't believe I needed to do this with
> Mathematica 5.2, but I put the fonts in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 and ran the font
> font configuration script on them.  The following demonstrates that X sees
> these fonts:
> $ xlsfonts | grep ^\-wri\- | wc -l
> 709
> When I visit sites using MathML I get an error saying I don't have Math1,
> Math2 and Math4.  I believe all of these are fonts from Wolfram Research.
> I really, really, really do not want to have two sets of Mathematica fonts
> installed on the same system that I run Mathematica on.  Is there a way to
> get Mozilla to see the newer fonts?
> This is an example of a site that causes the error message to appear:
> For some reason it did not appear when viewing the set of tests under
> General->Math, but it appeared when I looked at the tests under
> General->GenAttribs.
> Many MathML renderings work fine in Mozilla. The biggest problem has to do
> with Matrices.  The braces are rendered as normal parentheses of one row
> height.
> --
> "Philosophy is written in this grand book, The Universe. ... But the book
> cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language...
> in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, ...;
> without which wanders about in a dark labyrinth."   The Lion of Gaul

Chris Chiasson

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