Re: Matrices and Conditional Statements
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg61440] Re: [mg61405] Matrices and Conditional Statements
- From: ggroup at
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 02:16:28 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <>
- Reply-to: ggroup at
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
On Tuesday, October 18, 2005 at 02:44 GMT -0400, Gregory Lypny wrote: > If I have an n x m array called X, how can I create another > array, Y, whose rows are those rows in X whose 8th column contains > the word "red" and whose 11th column is a number greater than 9? (* Generate some Random data *) list1 = Table[ Flatten[ {Table[Random[], {7}], If[2*Random[] > 1, "red", "green"], Table[Random[], {2}], Random[]*18}], {100}]; (* Filter the data *) list2 = Select[ list1, StringMatchQ[#[[8]], "red", IgnoreCase -> True] && #[[11]] > 9 &]
- References:
- Matrices and Conditional Statements
- From: Gregory Lypny <>
- Matrices and Conditional Statements