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Zero-based indexing option?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg61621] Zero-based indexing option?
  • From: "Matt" <anonmous69 at>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 01:44:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

  I am a C/C++ developer by trade and zero-based indexing is the norm.
When dealing with a set of objects, if I want to iterate over all of
them for some reason or another, I'm used to doing something like this:

unsigned int ii(0);
while (ii < elementCount)
  // do something

where elementCount represents the number of elements in a set of
objects.  In Mathematica, I'm getting into the habit of doing something
like this:

iterations = Length[(* of something *)] ;
ii = 1;
While[ii <  iterations, (* do something *); ii++]

As you can see, I need to initialize my iterator to 1 and in order to
keep strictly 'less than' semantics, I need to increase the size of my
object set by one.  This is not a big deal, and if I have no other
choice, I'll probably settle for setting the iterator to one and using
'less than or equal' semantics for the loop constraint so I'm not
altering the size of the object set.

However, it would be great if there were a Mathematica option or code
driven setting that would allow me to use zero-based indexing.  Is
there such a thing?



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