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Re: Re: Language vs. Library why it matters

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg61645] Re: [mg61563] Re: Language vs. Library why it matters
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 21:07:02 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 22 Oct 2005, at 13:36, Richard J. Fateman wrote:

> Bill Rowe wrote:
>> My intent was merely to make the point Godel's results must apply
>> to Mathematica since they clearly apply to mathematics and  
>> Mathematica
>> by design is intended to encompass mathematics.
> Not so.  Mathematica does not prove theorems, generally. Some  
> mathsource
> programs may construct some proofs in some limited context, but those
> don't contradict Godel's result.

Of course they don't contradict it (how can they) but certainly they  
are affected by it or rather by them. Mathematica not only computes,  
it also uses mathematical concepts. Some of these concepts are  
"infinitistic". I have myself partially implemented some algorithms  
related to Matveev's complexity, which measures the "complexity" of a  
4-manifold, and a manifold is not a "finitistic" concept. And  
essentially anything infinitistic is subject to Godel's theorems.  In  
fact, concepts very closely related to Godel's work have actually  
been implemented in Mathematica: for example Chaitin's Omega. In this  
sense Bill is correct, any algorithmic mathematics can in principle  
be implemented in Mathematica and will have to be subject to Godel's  

> Mathematica running on your computer is not, actually, as
> powerful as the simplest Turing machine. The "Halting Problem"
> for Mathematica on your computer is solvable.  You have a finite
> machine with a finite number of states. It is possible in principle
> to tell if a program is in a loop or if it will halt. The testing
> procedure may take a very long time to run, but the testing procedure
> is also finite.

Yes, but bringing up the whole issue of finite state machines is just  
a red herring. Actually, Godel's proof does not require the existence  
of any infinite sets; it only requires the induction principle: for  
every integer n there is an integer n+1. In the case of computers  
this is equivalent to the principle that you can always construct a  
larger computer. Even if the halting problem on any particular  
computer is solvable, the halting problem for all possible computers  
is not. And Mathematica can certainly be modified to run not just on  
64 bit computers but on any kind of computer.

On the other hand if you introduce the objection that there is a  
limit to the largest computer that can be constructed e.g. the number  
of atoms in the universe - (I recall this very feeble argument has  
been used by some computer scientist arguing against Roger Penrose's  
"Shadows of the Mind") then you have to accept that algorithms also  
are limited by their running time. There are many possible limits:  
the maximum lifetime of the hardware, the maximum lifetime of any  
human being, the maximum expected length of existence of any human  
civilisation, the expected time before the lights go out in our solar  
system, etc. The algorithm that solves the halting problem for the  
computer made of all the atoms in the universe is likely to easily  
exceed all of these.

So all the staff about finite state machines has virtually no  
relevance to this discussion .

> If you want to explore decidability, Frege, Whitehead/Russell, Godel,
> Turing, ... that's fine, but don't confuse it with defects in
> computer algebra system design.

I am still rather amazed that my ironic and jocular remark generated  
all this stuff.  Of course I have always realised that people differ  
hugely in their sense of humour: something that one person may see as  
the pinnacle of wit to another will sound merely pathetic.  There  
was, however, a certain serious aspect to my bringing up Godel but it  
appears to have been completely missed so I guess I should state it  

  I was of course referring to the analogy or similarity that exists  
between the situation of a practical mathematician and of a practical  
user of Mathematica. Godel's second theorem can be rather roughly  
described as stating that we cannot prove the consistency of any  
system of axioms that would be rich enough to serve as a basis for  
the kind of work that most mathematicians do. However, if you ask an  
average mathematicians what is this set of axioms mathematics is  
supposed to be based on he will probably just stare at you with  
incomprehension and disbelief. Very few mathematicians use any kind  
of axioms and I doubt that one in ten could explain what the Zermelo- 
Fraenkel axiom system is, or give an exact statement of either of the  
two celebrated theorems of Godel. Most when faced with some  
inconsistency in their mathematical work (a pretty common situation)  
will first attribute it to some faulty reasoning on their part. If  
everything seems fine at that level, they may start questioning some  
of the results considered as established that they have been using.  
Occasionally some of these are discovered to be incorrect in spite of  
having been accepted previously. That is the only kind of  
"inconsistencies in mathematics" that come up in the real world. When  
they are discovered to be such they are simply eliminated and are no  
longer considered part of "mathematics" - this is why I doubted that  
an "inconsistency in mathematics" has any meaning  (after it is  
discovered it ceases to be regarded as part of mathematics; was it  
really a part of it before?). Of course it is in theory possible to  
imagine that this process of looking for the source of an  
"inconsistency" might eventually lead one to question some of the  
"axioms", but this is so unlikely that nobody normally needs to  
concern himself with it at all.

So what does this have to do with Mathematica? Well, I think it does  
have something to do with it, but it is an analogy rather than any  
strict relationship.

Because of Godel's work a mathematician has to live with the  
theoretical possibility that what he is doing essentially  nonsense  
because of some fundamental flaw at the level of "axioms of  
mathematics". But the overwhelming majority of mathematicians (quite  
rightly) could not care less: they go on solving problems using the  
tools they are familiar with and relying on their skill and  
intuition, not axioms and rigorous deduction from first principles.   
In some way a Mathematica programmer is in a similar situation.

While I do not agree that there is nay indeterminism in Mathematica  
except bugs that will be corrected (as in all software) and and  
"features" like TimeConstrained, without which life would be even  
worse for those with slower machines, there is indeed one aspect of  
Mathematica, where there is a mall degree of unpredictability (rather  
than indeterminism). This aspect lies at the heart of Mathematica and  
distinguishes it (in my opinion very favourably)  form other systems.  
I am referring to pattern matching and transformation rules based on  
pattern matching. In my opinion for a mathematician this is by far  
the most natural way to program. As Steven Hatton correctly observed,  
Mathematica re-write rules work exactly the way the human  
mathematician works. By contrast tail recursion as used in Scheme is  
very unnatural for a mathematician: it requires deliberate  
readjustment of the normal way of thinking. (In fact there are pretty  
good reasons to believe that exposure to too much Lisp diminishes  
ones ability to understand more complex mathematics, which is one  
reason why I would object to teaching Lisp as a  programming language  
to math students.)

So, while pattern matching and transformation rules are, for  
mathematicians, the best aspect of Mathematica, they are also the  
principal source of "unpredictability". To see the reason for this,  
just consider how many ways there are in Mathematica of writing a  
pattern. Remember that you have to take into account the effect of  
Attributes of functions such as Orderless or Flat, and the effect of  
HoldPattern, Verbatim etc. Then you also have to take into account  
the fact that, for reasons of performance, Mathematica's pattern  
matching is, in a sense, "incomplete". In a complicated expression  
involving functions with Orderless and Flat attributes, the pattern  
matcher will not look for patterns at all possible levels.    
Remembering all that, try to ask yourself the question: what would  
one mean by a complete documentation of Mathematica's pattern matching?

  Presumably, it would have to be a set of sentences ("axioms") from  
which the user would be able to determine exactly which pattern will  
match which expression, no matter how complex either of them is.  
Could  a complete documentation of this kind possible be  
significantly shorter than just listing all possible (finite)  
patterns and expressions that they match?  I don't know, but in any  
case it seems likely that this list of "axioms of pattern matching"   
would have to be pretty long. I am sure a lot longer than I would be  
likely to read and remember. Would having such a documentation be of  
any more use to you when using pattern matching in programming than  
the axioms of set theory are to somebody working on the topology of 4  
manifolds? I doubt it. I have been programming for quite a few years  
in Mathematica, and have occasionally come across behaviour that  
surprised me and did not work the way I expected. Maxim Rytin has  
posted a few of such examples.  In those rare situations when  
something like that comes up in practice  I behave exactly as I do  
when I come across a similar problem in mathematics. I do not run for  
my copy of Kleene or some other text on the foundations of  
mathematics but simply change my approach relying on my intuition and  
experience. I do not see how having a hugely complicated  
documentation of something whose principal appeal is its naturalness  
and simplicity (I mean pattern matching) would be of any help.

I think I have now written more than I ever wanted to write on this  

Andrzej Kozlowski

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