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Exporting notebooks to xml (cnxml)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg61823] Exporting notebooks to xml (cnxml)
  • From: "G. Raymond Brown" <gbrown at>
  • Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 01:17:19 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I'm mostly a lurker on this listserv - my apologies for forgetting to
fill in the subject field on the one response that made distribution. I
have learned quite a lot about Mathematica by lurking.

 I would like some suggestions from the experts. I have Mathematica
notebooks (in the Classroom style, designed for educational purposes)
consisting mostly of text cells in the Section and Subsection levels,
with numerous inline expressions and equations within the text cells, all
in TraditionalForm (slightly modified to retain some Mathematica
conventions that I find heuristically useful, such as square brackets
enclosing function arguments). Some cells at these levels are images
(rendered graphics objects that I want to be linked to the main file as
JPEG images). They also contain input and output cells, which are
contained at the Subsubsection level.

 I'm using Mathematica Version in a Windows XP environment.

 I want to export the notebooks to XML + MathML files in the cnxlm flavor
described at I'd prefer that the cells at the
Subsubsection level not appear in the exported XML file. (This is not a
big deal - I can easily edit them out.)

I'm having some trouble understanding the help documentation for the
Export function. The syntax is Export[file.ext,expr]. The expr needed
appears to be NotebookObject[fe,id], where fe is a FrontEndObject and id
is an integer that gives a unique serial number for this open notebook

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