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Re: show workings

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg63944] Re: [mg63935] show workings
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 01:30:30 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


The answer is yes and no. Most of Mathematica's more advanced algorithms,
such as Solve, DSolve, NDSolve, are coded in C, are many many pages long and
use advanced algorithms that would not be very understandable for the
average user or for a beginning mathematics student, say. So there is no way
to see their inner workings and I don't think you would want to unless you
had a highly specialized and professional interest in advanced symbolics and
numerical methods.

However, Mathematica can be used in a didactic mode. For example,
Mathematica has a Solve command for solving an equation. If you wanted to
show the steps in manipulating an equation to the 'solved' form, you could
bypass Solve and manipulate the equation directly by mapping pure functions
onto each side of the equation. I have a notebook at my web site, called
StepByStepEquations, that shows how to do this.

There is also an Expression Manipulation package there that allows
expressions to be manipulated in a very detailed manner, whereas on its own
Mathematica would do everything at once.

Mathematica is a strange beast. It is not at all optimized for students.
There are many little gaps and inconveniences. It is not unreasonable that
it is this way because to fill the gaps and make it more convenient would
mean extending it in many directions for all of the various areas of study
students would use it in.

The lesson is that you should expect to have to add your own definitions and
rules to make Mathematica work conveniently in your area of interest. This
is not all bad; it is a good way to learn the subject matter. At the same
time there are opportunities for developers to create packages that fill the
gaps for students. The most important test for such packages is that they
would allow students to follow common textbooks and research papers, using
the notation of the book and doing derivations, step by step if necessary,
and exercises. The operations supplied should be attuned to the mathematical
principles and the axioms and propositions of the subject and not look like
'computer science' or programming.

David Park
djmp at

From: Paulkawa [mailto:paul.england1 at]
To: mathgroup at

Being new to Mathematica can anyone tell me if it is possible to setup
Mathematica to show all the working out of problems, in order to better
understand how it arrives at the answer

Cheers Paul

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