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RE: Drawing outline of 3D shape

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg67646] RE: [mg67628] Drawing outline of 3D shape
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 06:38:07 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


With DrawGraphics, from my web site, I would do it as follows:


sphere[r_, t_, p_] := r{Cos[p]Sin[t], Sin[p]Sin[t], Cos[t]}

The following draws the outline around the equator and an upper half great
circle going through the North pole. I got that by drawing half of the
equator and then rotating it with the RotateShape routine.

    {ParametricDraw3D[sphere[1, Pi/2, p], {p, 0, 2Pi}],
      ParametricDraw3D[sphere[1, Pi/2, p], {p, Pi, 2Pi}] //
        UseRotateShape[0, Pi/2, Pi/2]},
    Boxed -> False

The following is a variation where the equatorial plane is drawn as a solid
surface and a single upper arc is drawn in a light gray and the grid lines
faintly indicated.

    {SurfaceColor[Gainsboro], EdgeForm[ColorMix[Gainsboro, Black][0.2]],
      ParametricDraw3D[sphere[r, Pi/2, p], {r, 0, 1}, {p, 0, 2Pi},
        PlotPoints -> {5, 32}],
      ParametricDraw3D[sphere[1, Pi/2, p], {p, Pi, 2Pi}] //
        UseRotateShape[0, Pi/2, Pi/2]},
    NeutralLighting[0.3, 0.5, 0],
    Boxed -> False,
    Background -> Linen

David Park
djmp at

From: MS [mailto:mark.stankus at]
To: mathgroup at


  Is there a program to draw the outline of a 3D shape.
So a sphere would be drawn as a circle.
A half sphere would be drawn as a arc (where the round
part goes from visible to not visible) and a circle (highlighting
the flat part of the half sphere.

Mark Stankus

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