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Re: WolframSSH vs mathssh and private key command line option

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg64726] Re: [mg64602] WolframSSH vs mathssh and private key command line option
  • From: Arnoud Buzing <arnoudb at>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 04:11:45 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Chris Chiasson wrote:
> Dear MathGroup,
> In trying to set up a remote kernel connection to a linux machine, I am
> wondering the following about the Kernel configuration dialog box.
> It uses java -jar mathssh, but mathssh doesn't exist in my Mathematica
> installation directory. I do have C:\Program Files\Wolfram
> Research\Mathematica\5.2\SystemFiles\Java\WolframSSH.jar
> Why is it trying to use a program that doesn't exist?


It actually uses `java` -jar `mathssh` ...

The `java` and `mathssh` are replaced by the frontend with the appropriate
values for your machine. Other special `` variables used by the frontend
are `username`, `linkname` and `ipaddress`. They are also replaced by the
frontend at the time the link to the kernel is made.

You can set up remote kernels in two ways, via the frontend and via the
kernel. To set up remote kernels via the kernel, you need to set/change
the EvaluatorNames option for the $FrontEnd object. First personalize
these two variables:


Then evaluate:

     "-LinkMode Listen -LinkProtocol TCPIP -LinkOptions MLDontInteract",
     "\"`java`\" -jar \"`mathssh`\""<>
     " `username`@"<>remote<>
     " "<>kernel<>
     " -mathlink"<>
     " -LinkMode Connect"<>
     " -LinkProtocol TCPIP"<>
     " -LinkName \"`linkname`\""<>
     " -LinkHost `ipaddress`"

Then test by creating a notebook using the new 'Remote' kernel:


In the new notebook evaluate: $MachineName

You may see an SSH dialog come up to confirm if you want to connect.
Click Yes if you want to connect.

After a few moments the name of the remote machine should appear for Out[1].

If your Windows user name and UNIX user name do not match, you may want
to explicitly replace `username` in the above code with your actual UNIX username.

Note that, unless you are setting up many remote kernels programmatically, it is
easier to just use the Kernel -> Kernel Configuration Options ... dialog.

First click the 'Add' button, the check the 'Remote Machine' radio button under
the basic options and fill out the user name, remote machine name and the full
path to the kernel on the remote machine. Then click OK (twice) and test it by
setting the notebook's kernel to the 'New Kernel'.


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