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Re: Changing Default Printing Settings?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg65356] Re: Changing Default Printing Settings?
  • From: Mike <m.HoneychurcNOSPAMh at>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 04:05:21 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: University of Queensland
  • References: <e08kcl$48v$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On a Mac you would go to Mathematica>Preferences ...

Then choose Notebook Options>Printing Options>PageFooters

Then set the following in both the left page and right page:(either left,
center, right depending on where you want it)


To set a default page size go to Notebook Options>Printing Options>Printing
Options and set options such as

PrintingMargins {{90, 90}, {60, 90}}
PaperSize {596, 794}
PageSize {596, 794}}

and so on.

Now the catch is that if you use a stylesheet with pagesize, pagefooters
etc. set then the stylesheet values will override the global default.

You can override the stylesheet defaults and set your preferred values by
setting the options locally. Example:

In[1]:= SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[],

            PageFooters -> {
            {None, Cell[TextData[{ValueBox["DateLong"]}],"Footer"], None},
            {None, Cell[TextData[{ValueBox["DateLong"]}],"Footer"], None}

            PrintingOptions -> {
            "PrintingMargins" -> {{90, 90}, {60, 90}},
            "PaperSize" -> {596, 794},
            "PageSize" -> {596, 794}}];



On 27/3/06 10:04 PM, in article e08kcl$48v$1 at, "AES"
<siegman at> wrote:

> I'd like to modify the default Printing Settings for all the notebooks
> on my HD, or all the notebooks that I create from now on, e.g.:
>   --Narrower margins in File >> Printing Settings >> Printing Options
>   --Add a centered "Date" in Printing Settings >> Headers & Footers
> I gather this is a front end thing rather than a kernel thing (?).
> So, where do I go to reset the defaults for future notebooks?
> And is there any "one-click" way to apply the new default to an existing
> notebook, akin to the one-click way of changing Style Sheets?  Can one
> have a collection of named printing formats, akin to named Style Sheets?
> Thanks . . .

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