- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg71072] CleanSlate
- From: dh <dh at>
- Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 06:12:10 -0500 (EST)
Hello All, $Version: 5.1 for Microsoft Windows (October 25, 2004) can anybody explain the strange behaviour of the usefull routine CleanSlate from the package: Utilities`CleanSlate`? Consider: Remove[a,x] f[]:=Module[{x,a},] CleanSlate[] this works fine. If one defines an argument by f[_] this still works. However, as soon as I use a named argument,e.g.: f[xx_]:=Module[{x,a},] CleanSlate complains: Remove::relex: Cannot remove lexical symbol a$ except automatically (when a is removed). Remove::relex: Cannot remove lexical symbol x$ except automatically (when x is removed). Further, if one replaces the one letter variable name a by aa, the message about aa is not created. Also no message for: f[a_]:=Module[{x},] but we get a message for f[xx_]:=Module[{x},] Daniel