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Re: Modify a list of pure functions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg70843] Re: Modify a list of pure functions
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 23:39:07 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <ehv8ts$g5i$>

. wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem where I need to build up a list of pure functions that
> have been modified from a base pure function.  I'm not having much luck
> in getting it to work correctly, and was wondering if anyone had some
> good ideas.  A toy version of the problem is:
> f = Sin[#]&
> listF = Table[(i f[##])&, {i, 5}]
> What I'd hope to get is listF containing:
> {Sin[##]&, (2 Sin[##])&, (3 Sin[##])&, (4 Sin[##])&, (5 Sin[##])&}
> But instead, I get something where neither i nor f have been evaluated.
>  As I say, this is a toy example.  One thing that does partially work
> for the toy case, but does not seem to work for more complicated
> situations is to use ReplaceAll:
> listF2 = Table[{j f[##])& /. j->i, {i,5}]
> This does give:
> {1 f[##1] &, 2 f[##1] &, 3 f[##1]&, 4 f[##1] &, 5 f[##1] &}
> However, all that has been done is the index has been inserted; no
> significant evaluation seems to have occurred.  So this method doesn't
> work in more complicated situations.  For example, suppose insted of
> using the index i directly, it actually referred to a list:
> coeffs = Reverse[ Range[5] ];
> listF3 = Table[ (coeffs[[j]] f[##]) & /. j->i, {i, 5}]
> This just gives:
> {coeffs[[1]]*f[##1] & , coeffs[[2]]*f[##1] & , coeffs[[3]]*f[##1] & ,
> coeffs[[4]]*f[##1] & , coeffs[[5]]*f[##1] & }
> Which is no good if coeffs is a temporary variable.
> Any suggestions would be most appreciated.  Thanks!

Your problem is caused by the fact that pure functions are represented 
(in FullForm) as objects with head Function, which has the attribute 
HoldAll. I am not quite sure if this solution is general enough for your 
real problem, but one approach is to inject things inside the function 
using With:

coeffs = Reverse[Range[5]];
listF3 = Table[With[{tmp = coeffs[[j]]}, (tmp f[##]) &], {j, 1, 5}]

David Bailey

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