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adding assumptions to Integrate

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg69630] adding assumptions to Integrate
  • From: dimmechan at
  • Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 22:46:20 -0400 (EDT)

Hello to all.

The follow commands have the same result.

Assuming[0 < Re[a] < Re[b], Integrate[1/x, {x, a, b}]]
-Log[a] + Log[b]

Integrate[1/x, {x, a, b}, Assumptions -> 0 < Re[a] < Re[b]]
-Log[a] + Log[b]

Block[{$Assumptions = 0 < Re[a] < Re[b]}, Integrate[1/x, {x, a, b}]]
-Log[a] + Log[b]

old$Assumptions = $Assumptions;
$Assumptions = 0 < Re[a] < Re[b];
Integrate[1/x, {x, a, b}]
-Log[a] + Log[b]

$Assumptions = old$Assumptions; Clear[old$Assumptions]

Here are my questions...

Can I trust all of these ways to add conditions for Integrate even for
more complicated integrals?
Or some method is more preferable for reasons of reliability/timing
E.g. I have read somewhere that it is more preferable to use (for
versions 5.X)
Assuming[...,Integrate[...]] than Integrate[...,Assumtions->...].
Is that true?
If the answer is yes can someone offer me a specific example?

Consider also the following integral.

Timing[Integrate[BesselJ[n, x]/(1 + x)^m, {x, 0, Infinity}]]
{49.453*Second, If[Re[m] > -(1/2) && Re[n] > -1,
   -((2^(-1 - m)*m*Gamma[(1/2)*(-m + n)]*HypergeometricPFQ[{1/2 + m/2,
1 + m/2}, {3/2, 1 + m/2 - n/2, 1 + m/2 + n/2}, -(1/4)])/
      Gamma[(1/2)*(2 + m + n)]) + (Gamma[(1/2)*(1 - m +
n)]*HypergeometricPFQ[{1/2 + m/2, m/2},
       {1/2, 1/2 + m/2 - n/2, 1/2 + m/2 + n/2},
-(1/4)])/(2^m*Gamma[(1/2)*(1 + m + n)]) +
    (Gamma[-1 + m - n]*HypergeometricPFQ[{1/2 + n/2, 1 + n/2}, {1 - m/2
+ n/2, 3/2 - m/2 + n/2, 1 + n}, -(1/4)])/
     (2^n*Gamma[m]), Integrate[BesselJ[n, x]/(1 + x)^m, {x, 0,
    Assumptions -> Re[m] <= -(1/2) || (Re[m] > -(1/2) && Re[n] <=

Here is the value of the integral for special {m,n} along with the
proper numerical verification.

Simplify[%[[2]] /. {m -> 5/3, n -> 2}]
Timing[NIntegrate[BesselJ[n, x]/(1 + x)^m /. {m -> 5/3, n -> 2}, {x, 0,
Infinity}, Method -> Oscillatory]]
(4*Gamma[-(4/3)]*(-20 + 20*HypergeometricPFQ[{-(1/2)}, {-(5/6),
-(1/3)}, -(1/4)] -
     9*HypergeometricPFQ[{1/2}, {1/6, 2/3}, -(1/4)]))/(81*Gamma[5/3]) +

  (Gamma[2/3]*(28*HypergeometricPFQ[{5/6}, {1/2, 7/3}, -(1/4)] -
15*HypergeometricPFQ[{11/6}, {3/2, 10/3}, -(1/4)]))/
   (56*2^(2/3)*Gamma[7/3]) - (Gamma[1/6]*(85*HypergeometricPFQ[{4/3},
{3/2, 17/6}, -(1/4)] -
     8*HypergeometricPFQ[{7/3}, {5/2, 23/6},
{0.6100000000000065*Second, 0.1540661941590603}

Based on my experience I have got the impression that if you execute a
symbolic calculation, such as definite integration, the next time you
will execute the same calculation
(if you do not exit the kernel of course) the needing time is much

Timing[Integrate[1/Abs[Sqrt[x]], {x, -1, 2}]]
Timing[Integrate[1/Abs[Sqrt[x]], {x, -1, 2}]][[1]]
{0.5*Second, 2*(1 + Sqrt[2])}

However I do not understand why exist the big difference in times

Timing[Assuming[Re[m] > 0 && Re[n] > 0, Integrate[BesselJ[n, x]/(1 +
{x, 0, Infinity}]]][[1]]

Timing[Integrate[BesselJ[n, x]/(1 + x)^m, {x, 0, Infinity}, Assumptions
Re[m] > 0 && Re[n] > 0]][[1]]

Timing[Block[{$Assumptions = Re[m] > 0 && Re[n] > 0},
Integrate[BesselJ[n, x]/(1 + x)^m, {x, 0, Infinity}]]][[1]]

old$Assumptions = $Assumptions;
$Assumptions = Re[m] > 0 && Re[n] > 0;
Timing[Integrate[BesselJ[n, x]/(1 + x)^m, {x, 0, Infinity}]][[1]]
$Assumptions = old$Assumptions; Clear[old$Assumptions]

I will really appreciate any kind of guidance.

Dimitris Anagnostou

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