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Pane in the Magnification

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80077] Pane in the Magnification
  • From: Fred Klingener <gigabitbucket at>
  • Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 07:11:50 -0400 (EDT)

Mathematica 6.0.1
Windows XP

It took me an hour or two to meticulously construct a Grid of Panes
and Graphics, then a couple of days trying to control the layout.
Until, completely by chance, I stumbled on the observation that
Graphics, controlled with an ImageSize Option changes size with cell
Magnification (set by Format>Magnification, by Windows>Magnification,
or by the popup at the bottom right of a notebook window) while Pane,
controlled by its second parameter doesn't, although its contents do.

Here's a minimal code scrap to illustrate

Framed@Graphics[Text["Hello, World!"],ImageSize->{100,100}]
Options = "<>ToString[Options[Magnification]],{100,100}]

So a couple of questions arise. Starting with:

Is there a way to poll the output cell to find its Magnification
(Options[] evidently produces nothing) and adjust the size spec

Then, if I have ambitions to eventually deploy this to others, is this
a bug that might some day be fixed, breaking my fix?

Fred Klingener

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