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Re: Extracting terms of a multivariate polynomial order by order

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80299] Re: [mg80280] Extracting terms of a multivariate polynomial order by order
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 07:28:06 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <>

A correction. There was a problem with copying and pasting in my  

s = Normal[CoefficientArrays[p, {x, y, z}]];

should have been

ls = Normal[CoefficientArrays[p, {x, y, z}]];

Andrzej Kozlowski

On 16 Aug 2007, at 12:45, Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:

> I think this is easier to do in Mathematica 6 than in 5.2, so,  
> although you are only asking about 5.2 I will start with 6. As an  
> example I will construct a polynomial in three variables x, y,z of  
> total degree 6, with coefficients a[i,j,k]. (The following code  
> only works in v. 6.)
> poly = Total[Array[a[#1 - 1, #2 - 1, #3 - 1]*x^(#1 - 1)*y^(#2 - 1) 
> *z^(#3 - 1) & ,
>        {2, 3, 4}], 3]
>  a[0, 0, 3]*z^3 + y*a[0, 1, 3]*z^3 + y^2*a[0, 2, 3]*z^3 + x*a[1, 0,  
> 3]*z^3 +
>    x*y*a[1, 1, 3]*z^3 + x*y^2*a[1, 2, 3]*z^3 + a[0, 0, 2]*z^2 +
>  y*a[0, 1, 2]*z^2 +
>    y^2*a[0, 2, 2]*z^2 + x*a[1, 0, 2]*z^2 + x*y*a[1, 1, 2]*z^2 +
>  x*y^2*a[1, 2, 2]*z^2 +
>    a[0, 0, 1]*z + y*a[0, 1, 1]*z + y^2*a[0, 2, 1]*z + x*a[1, 0, 1]*z +
>  x*y*a[1, 1, 1]*z +
>    x*y^2*a[1, 2, 1]*z + a[0, 0, 0] + y*a[0, 1, 0] + y^2*a[0, 2, 0] +
>  x*a[1, 0, 0] +
>    x*y*a[1, 1, 0] + x*y^2*a[1, 2, 0]
> In Mathematica 6.0 there is a very convenient function  
> CoefficientArrays which makes it possible to do what you want to do  
> (assuming I  have understood you corrrectly) easily:
> s = Normal[CoefficientArrays[p, {x, y, z}]];
> Now, for example,
>  ls[[3]]
> {{0, a[1, 1, 0], a[1, 0, 1]}, {0, a[0, 2, 0], a[0, 1, 1]}, {0, 0, a 
> [0, 0, 2]}}
> gives you all the coefficients of terms of total degree 2 (note  
> that the coefficients always appear in arrays of full rank so  
> usually they will contain some 0s).
> In Mathematica 5.2 the most convenient function for this purpose is  
> undocumented and appears in the Internal context. The function name  
> is Internal`DistributedTermsList. In Mathematica 6 this function  
> appears in the GroebnerBasis` context so its name has to be changed  
> accordingly.
> terms = GroebnerBasis`DistributedTermsList[p, {x, y, z}]
> I have supressed the output but if you look at it you will  
> immediately understand what it does. Now, it is easy to use pattern  
> matching to extract coefficients of terms of any chosen total  
> degree, e.g.
>  Cases[terms, {p_, l_} /; Total[p] == 4 -> l, Infinity]
> {a(1, 2, 1), a(1, 1, 2), a(1, 0, 3), a(0, 2, 2), a(0, 1, 3)}
> gives all the coefficients of terms of total degree 4.
> Andrzej Kozlowski
> On 16 Aug 2007, at 10:51, Marcus P S wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   I have a multivariate polynomial (3 variables) from which I would
>> like to extract terms order by order.  More explicitly, I want all  
>> the
>> lowest order terms, or all terms of the form
>> c(L,M,N) x^L y^M z^N
>>   where L+M+N is smallest, and c(LMN) is some coefficient.  If I have
>> this, I can extract order by order, and taylor to which order I want
>> to approximate my polynomial.
>>   I considered "Coefficients", but if I ask for the coefficients of
>> the form x^2 z^2, it may return something like "1 + y", which is not
>> what I want.  Moreover, I have to explicitly request each possible
>> term of a given order, which seems too mechanical/repetitive to be  
>> the
>> "right way"  to do things.  The function for manipulating SeriesData
>> objects are similarly limited.
>>   I am assuming that there is function in Mathematica (even 5.2) that
>> will do this.  Any suggestions would be greatly welcome.
>>   Thanks in advance.
>>   Marcus Silva

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