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Fitting coupled differential equations to experimental data

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83812] Fitting coupled differential equations to experimental data
  • From: "Ausman, Kevin" <ausman at>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 05:43:26 -0500 (EST)

I have been beating my head against a problem for several weeks now, so
I'm at the point of begging for help. Please help!

I have a set of coupled differential rate equations with several
parameters (this is a chemical system, and these variable parameters are
rate constants and initial concentrations):

{DHR'[t] == -kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] + kdeD*DHR1[t],
 DHR1'[t] == kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] - kdeD*DHR1[t] - kox*DHR1[t],
 RH1'[t] == kox*DHR1[t] - kdeR*RH1[t] + kadR*RH[t]*C60[t],
 RH'[t] == kdeR*RH1[t] - kadR*RH[t]*C60[t],
 C60'[t] == -kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] + kdeD*DHR1[t] + kdeR*RH1[t] -
   kadR*RH[t]*C60[t], Fluorescence[t] == ScaleFactor*(RH[t] + =
  DHR[0] == initDHR, DHR1[0] == 0, RH[0] == initRH, RH1[0] =
== 0,
 C60[0] == initC60}

My variables in this case are:

variables={DHR, DHR1, RH, RH1, C60, Fluorescence}

And my parameters are:


I can successfully create a model function at a given set of values for
these parameters using NDSolve:

model[kadD_?NumberQ, kdeD_?NumberQ, kox_?NumberQ, kadR_?NumberQ,
  kdeR_?NumberQ, initDHR_?NumberQ, initRH_?NumberQ, initC60_?NumberQ,
   NumberQ] := (model[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH,
    initC60, ScaleFactor] =
   First[NDSolve[{DHR'[t] == -kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] + kdeD*DHR1[t],
      DHR1'[t] == kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] - kdeD*DHR1[t] - kox*DHR1[t],
      RH1'[t] == kox*DHR1[t] - kdeR*RH1[t] + kadR*RH[t]*C60[t],
      RH'[t] == kdeR*RH1[t] - kadR*RH[t]*C60[t],
      C60'[t] == -kadD*DHR[t]*C60[t] + kdeD*DHR1[t] + kdeR*RH1[t] -
      Fluorescence[t] == ScaleFactor*(RH[t] + RH1[t]),
      DHR[0] == initDHR, DHR1[0] == 0, RH[0] == initRH, =
RH1[0] == 0,
      C60[0] == initC60}, variables, {t, 0, 7200}]])

solution =
  model[0.018, 0.024, 0.394, 0.024, 0.018, 0.78, 0, 0.018, 90700];
Plot[Fluorescence[t] /. solution, {t, 0, 7200}]


I can even treat the parameters as adjustible using the Manipulate
operation, plotting it with the experimental data that I want to fit:

XPData :=
 Import["C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\My \
Documents\Briefcase\Research\Kinetic Fitting with \
Mathematica\DHR123_7.PRN", "Table"]
XPTime = XPData[[All, 1]];
XPFluor = XPData[[All, 2]];

Manipulate[(solution =
   model[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH, initC60,
   Plot[Fluorescence[t] /. solution, {t, 0, 7200}]]), {{initC60, 0.1},
   0, 1}, {{initDHR, 0.1}, 0, 1}, {{initRH, 0}, 0,
  1}, {{ScaleFactor, 10000}, 0, 1000000}, {{kadD, 0.1}, 0,
  1}, {{kdeD, 0.1}, 0, 1}, {{kox, 0.1}, 0, 1}, {{kadR, 0.1}, 0,
  1}, {{kdeR, 0.1}, 0, 1}]

What I cannot seem to do is fit this model to experimental data using
FindFit, or by generating a least-squares error function and using
Minimize, NMinimize, or FindMinimum.

For example:

FindFit[XPFluor, (Model2 =
   model[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH, initC60,
  Fluorescence[t] /. Model2), {{initC60, 0.018}, {initDHR,
   1}, {initRH, 0}, {ScaleFactor, 134000}, {kadD, 0.012}, {kdeD,
   0.118}, {kox, 1}, {kadR, 0.012}, {kdeR, 0.134}}, t]

generates ReplaceAll::reps errors and InterpolatingFunction::dmval

LSE[kadD_?NumberQ, kdeD_?NumberQ, kox_?NumberQ, kadR_?NumberQ,
  kdeR_?NumberQ, initDHR_?NumberQ, initRH_?NumberQ, initC60_?NumberQ,
  ScaleFactor_?NumberQ, XPT_?VectorQ,
  XPF_?VectorQ] := (LSE[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH,
    initC60, ScaleFactor, XPT,
    XPF] = (solution =
     model[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH, initC60,
      ScaleFactor]; M = Fluorescence[XPT] /. solution; Norm[XPF - M]))

 LSE[kadD, kdeD, kox, kadR, kdeR, initDHR, initRH, initC60,
  ScaleFactor, XPTime,
  XPFluor], {{initC60, 0.018}, {initDHR, 1}, {initRH,
   0}, {ScaleFactor, 134000}, {kadD, 0.012}, {kdeD, 0.118}, {kox,
   1}, {kadR, 0.012}, {kdeR, 0.134}}]

generates NDSolve::icfail, First::first, ReplaceAll::reps, and
FindMinimum::nrnum errors.

I have tried dozens of other formulations, and can evaluate fits
one-at-a-time or by using Manipulate, and then evaluate LSE (or other
formulations) one-at-a-time or by using Manipulate, but I cannot seem to
get Mathematica to perform an optimization.

Does anyone have an idea of how to help here? Thanks!

Kevin Ausman

Prof. Kevin Ausman
Oklahoma State University
Department of Chemistry
342 Physical Science
Stillwater, OK 74078

Email:  ausman at
Office: 405-744-4330
Fax:    405-744-6007

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