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Re: conditional is giving wrong value

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg73795] Re: conditional is giving wrong value
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 04:42:03 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Uni Leipzig
  • References: <errljn$86m$>
  • Reply-to: kuska at


and you are sure that you don't mean

While[delta > tolerance,

and you can't use

myGrad[fun_,var_]:=D[fun,#] & /@ var

to define your own gradient in any dimension you like.

If you don't like the spell and spell1 message than turn it of


and you can name your variables tolerance and min and you
with out a message.

In Mathematica every function return a value, but some guys
like to do procedual programming and to return "No Value"
as a function result the "No Value" has the name Null


Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> I'm implementing the method of steepest descent to minimize a function in
> Mathematica and have a few nagging problems, the most serious being that a
> conditional is giving a wrong value.
> Here's my code:
> (* Cell one ========================================================= *)
> Clear[a, delf, delta, f, iteration, min, s, theA, tolerance, x, xNew ];
> << Calculus`VectorAnalysis`;
> (* Function to minimize *)
> f[x_,y_] := 1/2 * x^2  +  1/2 * y^2
> (* Initial Guess. *)
> x  =  { {5.0`20, 1.0`20} }
> (* Direction that points "downhill" from current location. *)
> s  =  {};
> (* The gradient of the function to minimize *)
> (*
>    This doesn't work:
>    delf[x_,y_] := - Grad[f[x,y], Cartesian[x,y,z]];
>    delf[3,1]
> )*
> delf[x_,y_] := { x, 5*y };
> (* Cell two ========================================================= *)
> iteration = 0;
> tolerance = 10^(-30);
> delta = 10;
> While delta > tolerance,
>    Print[{delta, N[tolerance], delta > tolerance}];
>    (* Get direction to travel in (downhill) from grad f.  Ugly syntax! *)
>    s = Append[s, -delf[Last[x][[1]], Last[x][[2]]]];
>    Print["s: ", s];
>    (* a tells us how far to travel.  Need to minimize f to find it. *)  
>    xNew = Last[x] + a*delf[Last[x][[1]], Last[x][[2]]];
>    (* Minimize f wrt a.  Can I do this without using temp var theA? *)
>    {min, theA} = Minimize[f[xNew[[1]], xNew[[2]]], {a}];
>    Print["f at minimum of ", min, " when ", theA];
>    (* Update x using the direction *)
>    xNew = xNew /. theA;
>    delta = Norm[Last[x] - xNew];
>    Print[delta];
>    x = Append[x, xNew /. theA];
>    Print["The new x is ", N[xNew], 20];
>    iteration += 1;
> ]
> Print["Convergence in ", iteration, " iterations."];
> Print["Minimum point at ", Last[x]];
> Print["Value of f at min point: ", f[Last[x][[1]], Last[x][[2]]] ];
> (* ================================================================== *)
> The most serious problem is that this program always terminates at the 23rd
> iteration.   At the last iteration, this line:
>    Print[{delta, N[tolerance], delta > tolerance}];
> prints:
>    { 0.00046, 1.0x10^(-30), True }
> which indicates that 4.6^-4 > 1.0^-30 is true.  What am I doing wrong??
> Other less serious issues that I can live with:
> 1. I'd like to define the gradient of the trial function without me
> explicitly finding the gradient.  For this f, it's nothing, but in
> principle, finding the gradient can be very tedious.  This doesn't work:
>     delf[x_,y_] := - Grad[f[x,y], Cartesian[x,y,z]];
> because when I type delf[3,2], the arguments get passed to Cartesian[] as
> {3,2,z}.  How can I get around this?
> 2. The first time I run this, Mathematica complains that "tolerance" is
> similar to "Tolerance" and "min" is similar to "Min.  How can I supress
> that?
> 3. When I run the first cell (the material above "new cell") Mathematica
>    prints out "Null^6".  What does this mean and why is it getting printed?
> 4. Any coding tips I should keep in mind to become a better Mathematica programmer?
> Many thanks!
> Pete

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