MathGroup Archive 2007

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Re: Mathematica and ML (Functional Programming Language)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg72969] Re: Mathematica and ML (Functional Programming Language)
  • From: Jon Harrop <jon at>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 05:25:32 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ep4koh$85$> <epcodc$8e8$>

Hans Michel wrote:
> On the .NET Framework Microsoft labs provides so free tools for their
> OCaml like programming language see F#
> My train of thought is Mathematica to MathLink through .NET/Link which
> connects to the .NET Framework which Microsoft claims you can use F# Code.
> Lots of implication but if it was an acceptable and viable solution path
> it would allow keeping of ML code and Mathematica Code.
> I don't know if .NET/Link would work with Mono. If it does it may allow
> the solution path to possibly include other platforms that support Mono.
> This is all theory. But I don't think its a waste of time to investigate
> it yourself.

The OP was asking about SML rather than OCaml so it is probably worth noting
that there are SML compilers targetting .NET. There's also OCamIL for
OCaml. However, none of these compilers support the whole of the target
language, AFAIK, and I still think it would be easier to communicate using
text... :-)

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
Objective CAML for Scientists

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