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Re: [Mathematica 6] Integrate strange result

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78378] Re: [mg78325] [Mathematica 6] Integrate strange result
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 05:52:20 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <>

I wrote the staff below very late at night, which not surprisingly,  
proved a foolish thing to do. Had I gone to bed instead I would have  
been better rested today and would not have posted a lot of nonsense  
that I am having to correct now.

First of all the last bit - I simply wrote EllipticK instead of  
EllipticE and "discovered" a bug in Mathematica. This is more or less  
the same kind of discovery as used to be sometimes made by amateur  
scientists who neglected to clean their microscope (or telescope).  

N[2*(EllipticE[-k] + Sqrt[k + 1]*EllipticE[
        k/(k + 1)]) /. k -> 5, 10]

N[4*EllipticE[-k] /. k -> 5, 10]

So everything is fine.

Let's return to the original problem and try to analyze it a bit:

EllipticE[m] is by definition the integral:

Integrate[Sqrt[1 - m*Sin[t]^2], {t, 0, Pi/2}]

  and has a branch discontinuity in the complex plane running from 1  
to Infinity. We have:

Integrate[Sqrt[1 + m*Sin[t]^2], {t, 0, 2Pi}] == Integrate[Sqrt[1 +  
m*Sin[t]^2], {t, 0, Pi/2}]+Integrate[Sqrt[1 + m*Sin[t]^2], {t, Pi/2,  
Pi}]+Integrate[Sqrt[1 + m*Sin[t]^2], {t, Pi, 3Pi/2}]+Integrate[Sqrt[1  
+ m*Sin[t]^2], {t, 3Pi/2, 2Pi}]

It is immediately obvious (look at the graph of Sin[t]^2) that all  
theses integrals are equal and all are equal to EllipticE[-m], at  
least when m does not lie on the branch cut, in other words we do not  
have Im[m]==0 && Re[-m] >=1, that is Im[m]!=0 || Re[m]>-1. So the answer

  Integrate[f, {t, 0, 2*Pi}]

If[Re[k] > -1, 2*(EllipticE[-k] + Sqrt[k + 1]*EllipticE[k/(k + 1)]),
   Integrate[Sqrt[k*Sin[t]^2 + 1], {t, 0, 2*Pi},
    Assumptions -> Re[k] <= -1]]

is correct, but is only a "part of the truth". I think (unless I am  
again confused) a better answer would be:

If[Re[k] > -1 || Im[k] !=0 ,4*EllipticE[-k],
   Integrate[Sqrt[k*Sin[t]^2 + 1], {t, 0, 2*Pi},
    Assumptions -> Re[k] <= -1]]

  In fact 4*EllipticE[-k] == 2*(EllipticE[-k] + Sqrt[k + 1]*EllipticE 
[k/(k + 1)]) at least outside the branch cut, but FullSimplify seems  
unable to prove it. We conclude that the answer Mathematica returns to

Assuming[Element[k, Reals], Integrate[f, {t, 0, 2*Pi}]]

If[k >= -1, 4*EllipticE[-k], Integrate[Sqrt[k*Sin[t]^2 + 1], {t, 0,  
2*Pi}, Assumptions -> k < -1]]

is perfectly correct. So the original question reduces to "what about  
integrating along the branch cut of EllipticE", that is what about:

f = (1 + k*Sin[t]^2)^(1/2);
  Assuming[Element[k, Reals] && k < -1,   Integrate[f, {t, 0,


The answer 0 given by Mathematica 6, is clearly wrong under any  
interpretation and must be considered a bug. But should Mathematica  
give any answer in this situation? Well, perhaps, because  for a  
particular case where m lies on the branch cut of EllipticE  
Mathematica returns:

Integrate[(1 - 2*Sin[t]^2)^(1/2), {t, 0, 2*Pi}]


It seems to me that with using a definition of EllipticE along the  
branch cut given by semi-continuity this answer is correct, and so is  
the general answer
4*EllipticE[-k] for the integral without any restrictions on k (I  
might be wrong about this - I have not considered this carefully). So  
perhaps that is the answer Integrate should return (it does so if you  
Integrate with a general limit b and then use the replacement rule b - 
 > 2Pi).

Anyway, my conclusion is: we have found one bug is one bug in  
Integrate (the 0 answer in the original post) and the possibility  
that the answer to (Integrate[f, {t, 0, 2*Pi}]) could be more general  
but other than that everything seems fine.

Andrzej Kozlowski

On 28 Jun 2007, at 23:14, Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:

> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate 
> (tm) Pro*
> On 28 Jun 2007, at 17:29, Nasser Abbasi wrote:
>> In[13]:= $Version
>> Out[13]= 6.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (April 27, 2007)
>> The problem is this: When I ask Mathematica to integrate something
>> involving some constant parameter, it gives an answer for some range
>> of the constant involved, say range A, and it says there is no answer
>> for the other range, say range B
>> But next, when I specify, using assumptions, that the constant is now
>> in range B, then Mathematica does given an answer to the integral !
>> Why does it in one case say there is no answer if the constant is in
>> range B, and in the second case it gives an answer when the constant
>> is in range B?
>> case 1
>> ========
>> In[2]:= f = (1 + k*Sin[a]^2)^(1/2);
>> In[12]:= Assuming[Element[k, Reals], Integrate[f, {a, 0, 2*Pi}]]
>> Out[12]= If[k >= -1, 4*EllipticE[-k],   Integrate[Sqrt[1 +
>> k*Sin[a]^2],    {a, 0, 2*Pi}, Assumptions ->     k < -1]]
>> notice in the above, it says for k<-1 there is NO answer
>> case 2
>> =======
>> In[2]:= f = (1 + k*Sin[a]^2)^(1/2);
>>>> In[10]:= Assuming[Element[k, Reals] && k < -1,   Integrate[f,  
>>>> {a, 0,
>>>> 2*Pi}]]
>>>> Out[10]= 0
>> Notice in the above, for k<-1  it gives an answer, which is zero.
>> What is it I am missing here?
>> thanks
>> Nasser
> The first thing you are missing here is that the second answer is  
> wrong:
> Integrate[(1 - 2*Sin[a]^2)^(1/2), {a, 0, 2*Pi}]
> 4*EllipticE[2]
> This is, as one would expect, a non-real number:
> N[%, 5]
> 2.3962804693361682454`5.000000000000002 +
>   2.3962804693361682454`5.000000000000002*I
> When Mathematica returns an answer in this conditional form it is  
> not actually saying that when the condition is not satisfied "there  
> is no answer". It is only saying that it could not establish an  
> answer. It attempts to (not always successfully) return an answer  
> that is valid under the given conditions, but this does not mean  
> that the answer (or some other answer) is not valid when this  
> condition is not satisfied. All it means that Integrate has  
> returned a set f  conditions under which it "believes" it has been  
> able to establish that the answer it gave is valid.
> In this particular case we can try to see what happens when we use  
> a variable limit in place of 2 Pi
> f = (1 + k*Sin[t]^2)^(1/2);
> q = Integrate[f, {t, 0, b}]
> If[k*Cos[2*b] != k + 2 && (Im[k*Sin[b]^2] != 0 ||
>     Re[k*Sin[b]^2] + 1 >= 0) &&
>    (Re[((Cos[2*b]*k - k - 2)*Csc[b]^2)/k] >= 0 ||
>     Im[((Cos[2*b]*k - k - 2)*Csc[b]^2)/k] != 0 ||
>     (Re[((Cos[2*b]*k - k - 2)*Csc[b]^2)/k] + 2 <= 0 &&
>      (Re[(((-Cos[2*b])*k + k + 2)*Csc[b]^2)/k] >= 2 ||
>       Im[(((-Cos[2*b])*k + k + 2)*Csc[b]^2)/k] != 0))),
>   EllipticE[b, -k], Integrate[Sqrt[k*Sin[t]^2 + 1], {t, 0, b},
>    Assumptions -> k*Cos[2*b] == k + 2 || (Im[k*Sin[b]^2] == 0 &&
>       Re[k*Sin[b]^2] + 1 < 0) ||
>      (Im[((Cos[2*b]*k - k - 2)*Csc[b]^2)/k] == 0 &&
>       Re[((Cos[2*b]*k - k - 2)*Csc[b]^2)/k] < 0 &&
>       (Re[((Cos[2*b]*k - k - 2)*Csc[b]^2)/k] + 2 > 0 ||
>        (Im[(((-Cos[2*b])*k + k + 2)*Csc[b]^2)/k] == 0 &&
>         Re[(((-Cos[2*b])*k + k + 2)*Csc[b]^2)/k] < 2)))]]
> This looks complicated, but
> Simplify[q /. b -> 2*Pi]
> 4*EllipticE[-k]
> which suggests that the result that you got under the restriction   
> k >= -1 is actually valid without any restrictions on k. Empirical  
> tests, with various values of k (real and complex) seem to confirm  
> this.
> On the other hand, however:
>  Integrate[f, {t, 0, 2*Pi}]
> If[Re[k] > -1, 2*(EllipticE[-k] + Sqrt[k + 1]*EllipticE[k/(k + 1)]),
>   Integrate[Sqrt[k*Sin[t]^2 + 1], {t, 0, 2*Pi},
>    Assumptions -> Re[k] <= -1]]
> The problem is not only the we now have again a condition on Re[k]  
> but also that this answer does not agree with the answer 4*EllipticE 
> [-k] that we got earlier and, in particular,  with:
> Assuming[Element[k, Reals], Integrate[f, {t, 0, 2*Pi}]]
> If[k >= -1, 4*EllipticE[-k], Integrate[Sqrt[k*Sin[t]^2 + 1], {t, 0,  
> 2*Pi}, Assumptions -> k < -1]]
> For example, taking k==5 (so that k>=-1) we get:
>  N[2*(EllipticE[-k] + Sqrt[k + 1]*EllipticE[k/(k + 1)]) /. k -> 5, 10]
>  11.32079299
> N[4 EllipticK[-k] /. k -> 5, 10]
> 3.822015708
> Andrzej Kozlowski

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