MathGroup Archive 2007

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GNU readline ability in the front end

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg73827] GNU readline ability in the front end
  • From: Frank Hu <frank1998 at>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 06:19:57 -0500 (EST)

I'm new to Mathematica and like it.  My main complain is the Frontend  
lacking basic command line editing facilities.   Specifically:

1.  Line editing.  I know there are basic Emacs key-bindings and Cmd- 
l recalls the previous input.  But what about recalling all previous  
inputs?  I'm not talking about re-evaluating the n-th input (In[n]),  
but actually get back what I typed and make slight modifications,  
without using the mouse.
2.  Command history.  Is there anyway to store and restore command  
history automatically, so I don't have to save every session to a  
3.  Filename auto-completion.  Cmd-k completes commands, how about  
4.  Also, what's with the one-level undo?  How difficult is to have  
multi-level undo?

I know there's JMath, but it does only text.  Am I missing something  
or the Frontend indeed is insufficient in this regard?


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