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nested list creation with index skipping

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg73934] nested list creation with index skipping
  • From: János <janos.lobb at>
  • Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 01:09:44 -0500 (EST)


What is the most economical way to create a nested list where during 
the creation I have to jump over some index values?

For a simple example

Here I would like to skip any index where i==j.  Table does not give 

me the option Assuming[ i=!=j] or something similar.

Of course I can drop later on those elements where i==j  , but that 

is additional processing and not economical, like:

Table[Select[tbl[[i]], #1 =!= i & ], {i, 1, n}]

The best I can do as a newbie, is to have Reap-Sow cycle where I do 
NOT collect values for i==j, like:

lst = First[Last[Reap[i = 1; While[i <= n,
        rj = First[Last[Reap[j = 1; While[j <= n,
               If[j =!= i, Sow[j], Null]; j++; ]; ]]];
         Sow[rj]; i++; ]; ]]]

In general, I can have two lists for example:
Where the values in these lists indicate what index values I want to 
take into account when I create the list.

With the Reap-Sow cycle it can be done this way:

lst = First[Last[Reap[i = 1; While[i <= n,
        rj = First[Last[Reap[j = 1; While[j <= n,
               If[j =!= i && MemberQ[jjs, j], Sow[j],
                 Null]; j++; ]; ]]]; If[MemberQ[iis, i],
          Sow[rj], Null]; i++; ]; ]]]

I guess it leads to SparseArray sooner or later, but I do not want 0 
for unspecified elements like SparseArray does.

Thanks ahead,


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