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Re: drawing with Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg74205] Re: [mg74179] drawing with Mathematica
  • From: "Chris Chiasson" <chris at>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 03:51:06 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>

Could you post a sketch of what the graphs are supposed to look like?
I am confused about what you want to change on the current Mathematica

On 3/13/07, dimitris <dimmechan at> wrote:
> Hello.
> Until now for papers drawing, I use two specialized drawing programs.
> For a forthcoming publication (alnong with my Supervisor Professor)
> I want to use my knowledge in Mathematica (...which I think I have
> gained!...)
> than hanging around with two programs I must admit I am not very fond
> of!
> So below are two draws.
> The first shows the cleavage stress on a (mathematical) crack.
> The second (attempts to) show a (so called) cusp-like (mathematical)
> crack.
> I would like any comments regarding anything you think can be useful!
> (Further, ) I know that this subject has been completely covered (and
> actually one of my very first queries was in the same vein), but as
> regards the procedure of Copy/Paste to a Word File which procedure
> offers the least (if possibly!) declination in the quality of these
> graphs?
> Lastly, I wanted to draw a bounded region as that encountered in any
> elementary text
> in Vector Analysis (for example in the proof of the Green-Gauss
> Theorem).
> I can draw circles, ellipses and the stuff but I really need a
> (smooth!) bounded region which shape is not so "canonical" as circle
> or ellipse.
> << "Graphics`Arrow`"
> lin1 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], AbsoluteDashing[{4, 6}], Line[{{0,
> 0}, {4.5, 0}}]}];
> lin2 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], AbsoluteDashing[{4, 6}], Line[{{0,
> 0}, {0, 3}}]}];
> ar1 = Graphics[{Arrow[{4.5, 0.0095}, {4.5 + 1/8, 0.0095}]}];
> ar2 = Graphics[{Arrow[{-0.01, 3}, {-0.01, 3 + 1/8}]}];
> tex1 = Graphics[Text[StyleForm["0", FontSize -> 16, FontWeight ->
> "Bold",
> FontFamily -> "Times"], {0, -3/8}]];
> tex2 = Graphics[Text[StyleForm["x", FontSize -> 16, FontWeight ->
> "Bold",
> FontFamily -> "Times"], {4.5 + 1/8, -3^(-1)}]];
> tex3 = Graphics[Text[StyleForm["cleavage\n  stress", FontSize -> 16,
> FontWeight -> "Bold", FontFamily -> "Times"], {3.2, 2.4}]];
> cr1 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.009], Line[{{-0, 0.05}, {-3, 0.05}}]}];
> cr2 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.009], Line[{{-0, -0.05}, {-3, -0.05}}]}];
> lin3 =Graphics[{Thickness[0.009], Line[{{0, -0.05}, {0, 0.05}}]}];
> ar3 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.0055], Arrow[{2.7, 2.35}, {1.95, 1.9},
> HeadLength -> 0.035]}];
> Block[{$DisplayFunction=Identity},g = Plot[5*x*Exp[-x] + x/5, {x,
> 0.01, 4}, Axes -> False, PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.01]]];
> Show[{g, lin1, lin2, lin3, tex1, tex2, tex3, cr1, cr2, ar1, ar3},
> PlotRange -> {-1, 2.7},
> AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio, ImageSize -> 400];
> Clear["Global`*"]
> lin1 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], AbsoluteDashing[{4, 6}], Line[{{0,
> 0}, {3.5, 0}}]}];
> lin2 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], AbsoluteDashing[{4, 6}], Line[{{0,
> 0}, {0, 2.6}}]}];
> ar1 = Graphics[{Arrow[{3.5, 0.0095}, {3.5 + 1/8, 0.0095}]}];
> ar2 = Graphics[{Arrow[{-0.005, 2.6}, {-0.005, 2.6 + 1/8}]}];
> tex1 = Graphics[Text[StyleForm["0", FontSize -> 16, FontWeight ->
> "Bold",
> FontFamily -> "Times"], {0, -3/8}]];
> tex2 = Graphics[Text[StyleForm["x", FontSize -> 16, FontWeight ->
> "Bold",
> FontFamily -> "Times"], {3.5 + 1/8, -3^(-1)}]];
> tex3 = Graphics[Text[StyleForm["y", FontSize -> 16, FontWeight ->
> "Bold",
> FontFamily -> "Times"], {-3^(-1), 2.55}]];
> cr1 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.009], Line[{{0, 0.07}, {-0.13, 0.07}}]}];
> cr2 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.009], Line[{{0, -0.07}, {-0.13,
> -0.07}}]}];
> lin3 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.009], Line[{{0, -0.07}, {0, 0.07}}]}];
> Block[{$DisplayFunction = Identity}, Plot[x^(3/2), {x, 0.18, 1.}, Axes
> -> False,
> PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.009]]];
> g1 = % /. {(x_)?NumberQ, (y_)?NumberQ} :> {-x, y};
> g2 = %% /. {(x_)?NumberQ, (y_)?NumberQ} :> {-x, -y};
> Block[{$DisplayFunction = Identity}, Plot[x^(1/2), {x, 1, 2}, Axes ->
> False,
> PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.009]]];
> g3 = % /. {(x_)?NumberQ, (y_)?NumberQ} :> {-x, y};
> g4 = %% /. {(x_)?NumberQ, (y_)?NumberQ} :> {-x, -y};
> Block[{$DisplayFunction = Identity}, Plot[x^(1/3) - (2^(1/3) -
> Sqrt[2]), {x, 2, 3},
> Axes -> False, PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.009]]];
> g5 = % /. {(x_)?NumberQ, (y_)?NumberQ} :> {-x, y};
> g6 = %% /. {(x_)?NumberQ, (y_)?NumberQ} :> {-x, -y};
> Show[{g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, lin1, lin2, lin3, tex1, tex2, tex3, cr1,
> cr2, ar1, ar2}, AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio, ImageSize -> 400,
> PlotRange -> {{-3, 4}, {-2.7, 2.7}}];
> Thanks in advance for any replies!
> Dimitris


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