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Re: Initialization cell appearance

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg74395] Re: Initialization cell appearance
  • From: Albert <awnl at>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 22:06:54 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <etb5c3$k2f$> <etcoj8$9ub$> <etg40k$igp$> <etlq16$r7e$>


> There is a small bug in your code though (the definition of isinit).  

oops, did not check the last change I guess, sorry. It was just a sketch 
of how this can be handled, for production use you might need some 
additional checks, e.g. to make sure that the selections are what you 

> Typically I would use this with
> nb = NotebookOpen[<path to some notebook file>]
> and I think I will turn it into a utility function.  I suppose it could also 
> be implemented as a replacement rule on the notebook expression.   Would 
> this be faster, I wonder ?

I don't know if it would be faster, probably yes, but there are issues 
with this approach which might or might not be a problem for your use case:

- You will have to read the Notebook-EXPRESSION from the Notebook-OBJECT 
and transform it. This will be _another_ Notebook-EXPRESSION, which you 
can turn into a new Notebook-OBJECT (and show it in a window) with 
NotebookPut or write it back to a file. Would you want to replace the 
old file, what happens with the still open and unchanged Notebook? You 
probably need to close it before overwriting it. I think you will need 
to be careful about what you are doing with this approach, otherwise you 
might even loose data. Anyway it is for sure different from changing the 
actual Notebook-OBJECT "in place"...

- _If_ you are using a StyleSheet which has definitions of Cell-Styles 
that are Initialization-Cells by default, you cannot detect that by 
simple Pattern-Matching of the Notebook-Expression but have to analyse 
the StyleSheet as well. This might not be an issue for you, but has to 
be considered if you want robust code...



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