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label graph vertices

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg74472] label graph vertices
  • From: "alexxx.magni at" <alexxx.magni at>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:17:01 -0500 (EST)

after having used for some time a very powerful program (Graphviz) for
displaying the graph structures I'm working on, I decided to give it a
try under Mathematica, since I use M. for many other related tasks.

I started from DiscreteMath`GraphPlot`, but from what I can see
everything is done using an adjacency matrix composed of (0,1)'s,
That is, my problem is that I need to LABEL the vertices with a name,
instead of a position.
I thought for a moment it was possible (e.g. see graph under
"MaximalBipartiteMatching" with Tom,Rob,Adam etc), but I then realized
it was demonstration-only, and no code is present to do it

am I right, or there is a way?

thanks for any help...

Alessandro Magni

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