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Re: Which Mathematica product should I get?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg74550] Re: Which Mathematica product should I get?
  • From: siewsk at
  • Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2007 01:30:39 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <eu1r0r$j5m$>

On Mar 24, 10:22 am, "David Rees" <w3bdevilREM... at>
> Hi,
> Currently being a Calculus student and my antique Ti-83 is really reaching
> the limits of where it can help me (no pun intended) so I'm looking for s=
> high-end symbolic calculation software to help me through my course.
> Mathematica 5.2 looks attractive, I've installed the demo and it looks
> powerful enough, but I'm a little put off by the frontend's interface. Ri=
> now I'm using MathType to typeset my equations and I'm not keen on return=
> to LaTeX-type command-lines. I know Mathematica has "whiteboard-style"
> expression support but I haven't seen how far that support goes. Is it
> anywhere near as flexible as MathType?
> So if Mathematica is for me, which Mathematica product do I want? There's
> "Mathematica for Students 5.2", "Mathematica CalcCenter for Students 3", =
> "Calculus WIZ", each of them are similarly priced (=A380, =A370, and =A350
> respectivly)
> I hear Calculus WIZ can integrate with Mathematica (as well as being
> available as a seperate standalone product), is the extra =A350 worth it?
> I'm confused about the differences (and virtues) of CalcCenter over
> Mathematica, the price difference is only =A310 (and I'm not going to buy
> both). Can anyone clear this up?
> Finally, I've got a question about licensing and front-ends. I've been
> toying with the .NET/Link SDK, can you link to a Mathematica kernel runni=
> on another machine or via some kind of IPC? (i.e.can the Kernel run under=
> desktopless session (i.e. as a Windows Service or Daemon)?) I'm wanting to
> create an uberized version of the WITM proxy for Mathematica (since Wolfr=
> still refuses to port Mathematica to the PocketPC/Windows Mobile platform=
> that's all.
> Regarding licensing, is it on a per-user or per-device scheme? I've got
> three computers I use regularly (my desktop workstation, my TabletPC, and=
> Terminal Server) and I don't want to have to shell out for Mathematica th=
> times over.
> Thanks

Mathematica is a tool. A very very useful tool but it is still a tool.

Having said that, please get Mathematica if you can afford it because
you will be using the same tool even when you enter a university.
Having a consistent tool for the next 6 years will be of great benefit
to you.

Like all things in life, there will be a learning curve.

I have no problems entering calculus equations in Mathematica, either
using the keyboard or using the mouse with the Formula palletes.

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