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Re: Re: Re: Weird result in Mathematica 6

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg76626] Re: [mg76574] Re: [mg76431] Re: [mg76393] Weird result in Mathematica 6
  • From: János <janos.lobb at>
  • Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 06:21:32 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <26727995.1179743868970.JavaMail.root@m35> <> <9745176.1179921476358.JavaMail.root@m35> <> <4431163.1179955154502.JavaMail.root@m35> <> <23418457.1179976106322.JavaMail.root@m35> <>

There are function calls in some OS libraries that are not working 
correctly on AMD architecture.  A good friend of mine in Hungary 
worked for a software firm and the firm had just AMD machines.  The 
only Intel machine was his laptop.  When it came to close out a major 
upgrade of the firm software, all AMD machines reported problems and 
only his Intel laptop gave the desired result.  All AMDs were changed 
overnight for Intel machines.

On May 24, 2007, at 6:03 AM, DrMajorBob wrote:

> I'm using an AMD 3200+ processor, in case that matters.
> Bobby
> On Wed, 23 May 2007 16:37:54 -0500, Andrzej Kozlowski 
> <akoz at>
> wrote:
>> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm)
>> Pro*
>> That means definitely "platform dependence". It would be 
>> interesting if
>> somone checked this on an Intel Mac. I think it is much more 
>> likely to
>> be the processor than the operating system that makes the difference
>> here. I don't know much about such things, but some processor 
>> specific
>> libraries could be responsible for this.
>> Andrzej
>> On 24 May 2007, at 06:29, DrMajorBob wrote:
>>> $Version
>>> "6.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (April 20, 2007)"
>>> Bobby
>>> On Wed, 23 May 2007 16:17:31 -0500, Andrzej Kozlowski
>>> <akoz at> wrote:
>>>> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate
>>>> (tm)
>>>> Pro*
>>>> Yes, its curious. It might just be "platform dependence" but is 
>>>> more
>>>> likely to be  "time of release dependence". Mine is:
>>>> $Version
>>>> "6.0 for Mac OS X PowerPC (32-bit) (April 20, 2007)"
>>>> Andrzej
>>>> On 24 May 2007, at 01:37, DrMajorBob wrote:
>>>>> Interesting. But your results are entirely different from mine, 
>>>>> for
>>>>> the same input.
>>>>>> which explains what is wrong (error messages can tell you a lot,
>>>>>> sometimes).
>>>>> And frequently, they don't.
>>>>> Here's the error message at THIS machine:
>>>>> FindRoot::lstol: The line search decreased the step size to 
>>>>> within \
>>>>> tolerance specified by AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal but was 
>>>>> unable \
>>>>> to find a sufficient decrease in the merit function.  You may 
>>>>> need \
>>>>> more than MachinePrecision digits of working precision to meet 
>>>>> these \
>>>>> tolerances. >>
>>>>> Bobby
>>>>> On Tue, 22 May 2007 06:28:08 -0500, Andrzej Kozlowski
>>>>> <akoz at> wrote:
>>>>>> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate
>>>>>> (tm) Pro*
>>>>>> I don't see any connection between these two issues. Moreover, 
>>>>>> I get:
>>>>>> FindRoot[h = g, {x, 0}]
>>>>>> FindRoot::njnum:The Jacobian is not a matrix of numbers at {x} 
>>>>>> {0.}. >>
>>>>>> {x -> 0.}
>>>>>> which explains what is wrong (error messages can tell you a lot,
>>>>>> sometimes).  Trying a slightly different starting search point:
>>>>>> FindRoot[h == g, {x, 0.1}]
>>>>>> {x->2.}
>>>>>>   {g, h} /. %
>>>>>>   {0., 0.}
>>>>>> Andrzej Kozlowski
>>>>>> On 22 May 2007, at 15:47, DrMajorBob wrote:
>>>>>>> Even worse, FindRoot returns a wrong answer:
>>>>>>> g = Piecewise[{{0, x < 0}, {2 x - x^2, 0 <= x < 4}, {16 x - x^2,
>>>>>>>      x=B34}}];
>>>>>>> h = x - 2;
>>>>>>> FindRoot[h == g, {x, 0}]
>>>>>>> {g, h} /. %
>>>>>>> {x->-2.84217*10^-15}
>>>>>>> {0, -2.}
>>>>>>> Bobby
>>>>>>> On Mon, 21 May 2007 05:01:21 -0500, Sebastian Meznaric
>>>>>>> <meznaric at> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I was playing around with Mathematica 6 a bit and ran this 
>>>>>>>> command
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> solve for the inverse of the Moebius transformation
>>>>>>>> FullSimplify[
>>>>>>>>  Reduce[(z - a)/(1 - a\[Conjugate] z) == w && a a\
>>>>>>>> [Conjugate] < 1
>>>>>>>> &&
>>>>>>>>    w w\[Conjugate] < 1, z]]
>>>>>>>> This is what I got as a result:
>>>>>>>> -1 < w < 1 && -1 < a < 1 && z == (a + w)/(1 + w Conjugate[a])
>>>>>>>> Why is Mathematica assuming a and w are real? The Moebius
>>>>>>>> transformation is invertible in the unit disc regardless of
>>>>>>>> whether a
>>>>>>>> and w are real or not. Any thoughts?
>>>>>>> --DrMajorBob at
>>>>> --DrMajorBob at
>>> --DrMajorBob at
> --
> DrMajorBob at

Trying to argue with a politician is like lifting up the head of a 
(S. Lem: His Master Voice)

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