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Re: ReadList -- file size limits?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82859] Re: ReadList -- file size limits?
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 05:20:50 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fg9pau$moq$>

david.sedarsky at wrote:
> Is ReadList limited in some way regarding the amount of data it can read 
> in?
> I have a large data file (~450M text file) and I'm doing something like 
> the following:
> stream = OpenRead[fullname]; (*open file for reading*)
> header = ReadList[stream, String, 1](*read header strings*)
> header = Flatten[StringSplit[header]];
> data = ReadList[stream, Number, 8(1=D710^6)]);(*read 8 columns of number 
> data*)
> Close[stream];
> Apparently Readlist doesn't read in the whole file.  The code shown above
> runs fine, but data has max length of: 3278320, which corresponds to 
> 409790 lines of the data file.  Can anyone clue me in as to why this is? 
> Is this a suitable approach for reading numbers from a very large ascii 
> file?
> thanks,
> DS
First, I would check that your data file is not corrupted in some way. I 
have seen data files like this generated by equipment of various sorts 
that threw the occasional glitch!

Anyway, 450M is a really large file, and if Mathematica reads it all in 
before processing, that is a very large chunk of memory before it even 
starts processing. If you are using a 32-bit operating system (such as 
32-bit Windows) that will have already consumed a fair bit of your 
addressable memory. There may also be some hard-coded limits in Mathematica.

Since ReadList can take a stream argument, which stays open after the 
call, you could read the data in chunks, and assemble it afterwards - or 
even process it in chunks and avoid holding it all in memory at the same 

An ultimate solution would be to open and read the file in Java (using 

It is hard to be specific without seeing the file - which would probably 
be a bit large to append to your message:)

David Bailey

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