MathGroup Archive 2007

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question about symbolize command.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82930] question about symbolize command.
  • From: windhair <windhair at>
  • Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 03:33:47 -0500 (EST)

In a book about mathematica, it emphasize the using of Symboliize in package Notation, I have some question about this command.

1,  Is it necessory to Symbolize all the variables with subscript  or superscript in to notebook for complex work with variables u and u_i? or, it will cause some unexpect results.

2, If I Symblize a variable, u_i for example, it seems I can not clear it after evaluate it. I always show the error message like:
Symbolize::bsymbexs: Warning: The box structure attempting to be \
symbolized has a similar or identical symbol already defined, \
possibly overriding previously symbolized box structure

How can I define it again without restart Mathematica?

Thanks for the reply.

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