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Re: Displaying graphics with the MathKernel in OS X

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82939] Re: Displaying graphics with the MathKernel in OS X
  • From: mcmcclur at
  • Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 06:07:33 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fgenq7$g2d$>

On Nov 2, 4:40 am, kevin_jazz <kevinbow... at> wrote:
> I'd like to use Mathematica the "old fashion" way by using
> the MathKernel with the notebook.  However, I'd like to be
> able to display graphics.

I think this is exactly the the point behind JavaGraphics.
The following terminal session opens a window in a small
Java application and displays the results.

-------------- Begin Mathematica session -----------------
Mathematica 6.0 for Mac OS X x86 (32-bit)
Copyright 1988-2007 Wolfram Research, Inc.

In[1]:= <<JavaGraphics`
 -- Java graphics initialized --

In[2]:= Plot[Sin[x]/x, {x,-2*Pi,2*Pi}, ImageSize -> 800];
-------------- End Mathematica session -------------------

You can also write your own display function that calls
an external program.  I suppose a logical external viewer
on Mac OS X is Preview.  Here's one way to set this up.

-------------- Begin Mathematica session -----------------
Mathematica 6.0 for Mac OS X x86 (32-bit)
Copyright 1988-2007 Wolfram Research, Inc.

In[1]:= Developer`InstallFrontEnd[];

In[2]:= df[g_] := Module[
  strm = OpenWrite["!open -f -a /Applications/"];
  WriteString[strm, ExportString[g, "EPS"]];

In[3]:= $DisplayFunction = df;

In[4]:= Plot[x^2, {x,-2,2}]
-------------- End Mathematica session -------------------

Note that many commands involving Import/Export will
start up a FrontEnd in the background; the first
version using JavaGraphics does this, for example,
as you can see using top.  For some reason, this
second version hangs without an explicit installation
of a FrontEnd.


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