Re: Data functions (like ElementData) and physical units
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg83137] Re: Data functions (like ElementData) and physical units
- From: WetBlanket <Wyvern864 at>
- Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 05:18:46 -0500 (EST)
- References: <fgs95u$56i$><fh1bri$a6a$>
On Nov 9, 4:13 am, John Jowett <John.M.Jow... at> wrote: > On Nov 8, 12:28 pm, Chris Chiasson <chris.chias... at> wrote: > > > On Nov 7, 5:56 am, John Jowett <John.M.Jow... at> wrote: > > > >>>>>>>>>>>>>SNIP> > > I am self-censoring my comments about the overall utility of the data > > functions (and the physical constants package) for real work. > > Chris, I have to remark that I find these packages very useful for my > work (I'm not sure if that counts as "real work" ...). And I think > the data functions are a beautiful idea. > > However I do use a package of my own to enhance PhysicalConstants. It > creates protected symbolic versions of the constants (like c for > SpeedOfLight) which don't evaluate numerically until you apply N[ ] to > them (just like Pi or E) so physical formulas don't immediately > collapse into a mixture of symbols, numbers and units. Working with > units, dimension checking, etc. is often very convenient in physics. > > It is presently being adapted for Version 6 but will soon be ready. > > John I hope you will share it with all of use when you have it ready for version 6. Regards Gary