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Re: Zoom2D and GetGraphicsCoordinates palettes combined

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83162] Re: Zoom2D and GetGraphicsCoordinates palettes combined
  • From: "Muench, Thomas" <thomas.muench at>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:43:06 -0500 (EST)

Hi, Ingolf,

I like your Palette! There seems to be a bug, however, which I cannot
resolve (and which was also present in the original zoom2D palette)

The Zoom function does not work with graphics that have a
AspectRatio->Full option (either the graphic itself, or an Inset within
the Graphic)


This works:
Graphics[{Blue, Rectangle[], Red, Disk[]}, AspectRatio -> Automatic]

This doesn't work:
Graphics[{Blue, Rectangle[], Red, Disk[]}, AspectRatio -> Full]

Here is another example, which also shows why "Full" might be needed as
an option (Imagine the blue rectangle in the example below being a
graphic which shows a curve representing the time-course of data with a
much greater span along the x-axis (0...200) than along the y-axis
(-1...1). AspectRatio->Full makes sure that the complete area of the
Inset[...] is filled out by the graphics, instead of just generating a
narrow stripe in which nothing really is visible). This example also
illustrates that the AspectRatio of the Graphics in the newly generated
pop-up notebook is governed by the Inset, not by the parent-graphic:

This doesn't work at all:
Graphics[{Red, Disk[],
  Inset[Graphics[{Blue, Rectangle[{0, -1}, {200, 1}]},
    AspectRatio -> Full], {0, 0}, Automatic, {1, .5}]}]

This sort-of works:
Graphics[{Red, Disk[],
  Inset[Graphics[{Blue, Rectangle[{0, -1}, {200, 1}]},
    AspectRatio -> Automatic], {0, 0}, Automatic, {1, .5}]}]


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