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Re: Re: Mac OS X 10.5 - Mathematica 5.1 hangs - 6.0 works?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83178] Re: [mg83167] Re: Mac OS X 10.5 - Mathematica 5.1 hangs - 6.0 works?
  • From: robert prince-wright <robertprincewright at>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 04:42:51 -0500 (EST)

I have been considering making a switch from Windows XP to a Mac for a while. 

The arrival of Vista makes the decsion a little harder, and I have just been told that Mac Office 2008 will not include VBA which means some of my spreadsheets won't work under Leopard.  

I visited the Apple Mac store this past weekend to see a demo - and was a little shocked that the demo machine crashed four times in one hour. It seemed like iCal, Time Machine and iPhoto are not stable and likely to be a huge pain. I also note there is a major bug which results in lost files during copy and move operations. All this makes me wonder whether or not to wait till next year.

Can others share their experience with the nascent operating systems. Are there Vista fans out there who would recommend Vista over Leopard.

I would also be interested in hearing from people running website applications under Tiger or Leopard. For example, would it be practical to have a small business web server on an iMac or would i need a Powermac?


----- Original Message ----
From: Marc Heusser <marc.heusser at byeheusser.commercialspammers.invalid>
To: mathgroup at
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 5:59:17 AM
Subject: [mg83178] [mg83167] Re: Mac OS X 10.5 - Mathematica 5.1 hangs - 6.0 works?

In article <fhbnf7$qsl$1 at>, ragfield <ragfield at> 

> On Nov 12, 4:15 am, Marc Heusser
> <marc.heus... at byeheusser.commercialspammers.invalid> wrote:
> > I have Mathematica 5.1. After the upgrade of Mac OS X to 10.5 (Leopard)
> > it seems to hang forever when I start it, using 95%+ of CPU time.
> >
> > Is it not compatible? And is version 6.0 compatible?
> I just tried 5.1.1 and it runs on 10.5.  6.0 & 5.2 certainly run fine
> on 10.5.  Is the problem not that it is hanging, but perhaps that is
> just taking a very long time to start up?  I have observed that
> sometimes Rosetta takes a while to start up.  Are you seeing the
> problem on an Intel machine?
> -Rob

Yes, it is a Mac Book Pro.
I have version 5.1.0. To verify, I just started it up again - and it 
So I will see whether I can upgrade to 5.2 or at least 5.1.1 for free.

Thank you


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