MathGroup Archive 2007

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Re: DelaunayTriangulation[] output

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83259] Re: DelaunayTriangulation[] output
  • From: Dominick <pd20012000 at>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 05:30:50 -0500 (EST)

Wow thanks guys for all the help.I really appreciate the responses. I decided on the  
                   imsDelaunayIncidents command.But the manual programmatic approach was most  
                   appreciated also. Well now that problem is taken care i have another problem which       
                   im stuck on. For my algorithm I need to interpolate a triangulation inbetween my 
                   Begin and End images.So i assumed that the vertices on the begin image move in a         
                   straight line to the end image. ie
                            Uvert = (1-t)*Bvert + t*Evert

                             So i implented this using

                          ]   ]
             then i tried something like this 
                  Nvert = NewVertex[BnVert,EnVert,.5,3]
                Well it didnt return anything .
                   the For loop works outside of the module and gives  
                   the expected results.
                   I understand that appendto requires Uvert to be 
                   defined and all but im at a loss on how to fufufill 
                   this and still keep the function fairly general.And sorry about the horrible formating of the code lol

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