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Re: memory release problem in mathematica6.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83317] Re: memory release problem in mathematica6.0
  • From: Nacho <ncc1701zzz at>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 05:26:11 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fhegac$m08$>


I think that your confusion is because Mathematica also saves a copy
of the results in the Out[] array. Every operation is saved, so you
can recall any previous output (and input). It is saved even if you
use ; to discard the output.

I have found that when working with bif data sets or a lot of time,
the memory consumption is bigger and bigger.

You can limit the amount of history length with the variable

For example, if the first execution you do in Mathematica is


only the 2 last results will be saved.

You can disable all the output history with $HistoryLength=0 but then
you cannot use % to call the previous result.

with $HistoryLength=0 you can run a = RandomInteger[10, 10000000];
Clear[a] as much as you want, but the memory is increased just the
first time,

Hope this help.


On Nov 14, 10:49 am, jack <giaber... at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> When i define large data structures, for example an array  "A" of
> million  of elements that occupy some  hundreds of MB of physical
> memory,when i clear it, with Clear[A] memory isn' t released by
> operating system. I' ve tried both on windows and linux.
> The result of MemoryInUse[] command of mathematica but the physical
> memory reported by the system monitor isn't released.
> I' ve tried also ClearSystemCache[] but with no result.
> Am i missing something?
> Thanks!

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