Re: Tally[ ] and Union[ ]
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg83395] Re: [mg83367] Tally[ ] and Union[ ]
- From: DrMajorBob <drmajorbob at>
- Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 06:17:05 -0500 (EST)
- References: <18041847.1195406295111.JavaMail.root@m35>
- Reply-to: drmajorbob at
There is, apparently, something wrong with Tally, but your test wasn't the right one, since cgraph's 5th and 10th elements were not returned in the Tally results. Here's a modification of your code and some tests: Needs["Combinatorica`"]; diagrams::usage = "Calculate diagrams"; basicedges::usage; wick[a_, b_] := pair[a, b]; wick[a_, b__] := Sum[Expand[pair[a, {b}[[i]]] Delete[Unevaluated[wick[b]], i]], {i, Length[{b}]}]; ham[n_Integer] := (ns = 4*n - 3; {c[ns], c[ns + 1], d[ns + 2], d[ns + 3]}); basicedges[n_] := Flatten[Table[{{{i, i + 1}, EdgeColor -> Red}}, {i, 1, 2*n, 2}], 1]; hamserie[n_Integer] := Flatten[Table[ham[i], {i, n}]]; cvertices[n_Integer] := {{n, 1}, {n, 0}}; cvertexserie[n_Integer] := Flatten[Table[cvertices[i], {i, n}], 1]; pair[c[_], c[_]] := 0; pair[d[_], d[_]] := 0; pair[a_Integer, b_Integer] /; (a > b) := pair[b, a]; diagrams[n_] := Module[{wickli, rep, i, cgraph, cvertices, congraph, le, un, ta}, wickli = wick[Sequence @@ hamserie[n]] /. Plus -> List; le = Length[wickli[[1]]]; wickli = wickli /. {pair[c[i_], d[j_]] -> pair[i, j], pair[d[i_], c[j_]] -> pair[i, j]}; graph = {}; While[wickli =!= {}, wickli = rempar[First[wickli], wickli, n, le]]; (*edge reduction and edgelist construction for use by \ Combinatorica*) rep = Dispatch[ Flatten[Table[{Rule[2*i - 1, i], Rule[2*i, i]}, {i, 2*n}]]]; graph = (Take[#, -le] /. rep /. pair[a__]^_ -> pair[a]) & /@ graph; be = basicedges[n]; cgraph = Map[List, (graph /. {pair -> List, Times -> List}), {2}]; cvertices = List /@ cvertexserie[n]; cgraph = Join[be, #] & /@ cgraph; cgraph = Graph[#, cvertices] & /@ cgraph; (*Now I compare Union and Tally*) saved = cgraph; un = Union[cgraph, SameTest -> IsomorphicQ]; Print["Union: number of elements: ", Length[un]]; Print[GraphicsGrid[ Partition[ShowGraph[#] & /@ un, 3, 3, {1, 1}, {}]]]; ta = Sort@Tally[cgraph, IsomorphicQ][[All, 1]]; Print["Tally: Number of Elements: ", Length[ta]]; Print[GraphicsGrid[Partition[ShowGraph /@ ta, 3, 3, {1, 1}, {}]]]; Print[GraphicsGrid[ Partition[ShowGraph /@ ta[[{2, 4}]], 3, 3, {1, 1}, {}]]]; Print["Are 2 and 4 isomorphic? ", IsomorphicQ[ta[[2]], ta[[4]]]]; Print["Are 4 and 2 isomorphic? ", IsomorphicQ[ta[[4]], ta[[2]]]]; ]; rempar[li_, wickli_List, n_Integer, le_] := Module[{lis, mult, gem, pre, i}, lis = {Take[li, -le]}; pre = Drop[li, -le]; Do[lis = Join[lis, lis /. {i -> i + 1, i + 1 -> i}], {i, 1, 4*n - 1, 2}]; lis = Union[lis]; mult = Length[lis]; graph = Join[graph, {li*mult}]; Complement[wickli, pre*lis]]; diagrams[3] Union: number of elements: 8 Tally: Number of Elements: 11 Are 2 and 4 isomorphic? True Are 4 and 2 isomorphic? True saved // Length index = Thread[saved -> Range@Length@saved]; (u = Union[saved, SameTest -> IsomorphicQ]) // Length (t = Sort@Tally[saved, IsomorphicQ][[All, 1]]) // Length 21 8 11 These are the cgraph indices returned by Union and Tally: u /. index t /. index {1, 11, 4, 21, 8, 18, 15, 6} {1, 11, 4, 2, 8, 14, 3, 18, 15, 7, 6} Comparing cgraph[[5]] and cgraph[[10]] is irrelevant, as you can see. (boo = Boole@Outer[IsomorphicQ, t, t, 1]) // MatrixForm; boo == Transpose@boo Cases[Position[boo, 1], {a_, b_} /; a < b, 1] True {{2, 4}, {5, 7}, {8, 10}} boo is NOT an identity matrix, so Tally did something very odd. Bobby On Sun, 18 Nov 2007 03:53:16 -0600, Michael Weyrauch <michael.weyrauch at> wrote: > Hello, > > in the Mathematica 6.0 documentation it says in the entry for Tally: > Properties and Relations: > > "A sorted Tally is equivalent to a list of counts for the Union:" > > This is what I indeed expect of Tally and Union, in particular then it > holds for any list: > Length[Tally[list]] is equal to Length[Union[list]]. > > Now, I have an example, where Mathematica 6.0 produces a result where > Tally[list] and Union[list] are different in length, which surprises me. > And in fact, the result of Tally[ ] seems wrong to me. > > You can reproduce this result using the small Mathematica package > enclosed, which > uses Combinatorica. (Sorry for the somewhat complicated example, but I > did not find > a simpler case showing the effect.) > > If you load this package into a notebook and then execute > > diagrams[2] > > Tally and Union produce the expected result: both lists have equal > length. > (The list elements are diagrams.) > > However, if you execute > > diagrams[3] > > Tally and Union produce lists of different length. > > To my opinion, it really should never happen that Tally and Union > produce lists of different length. I just expect of Tally to tell me the > multpilicities in the equivalence classes, in addition to > the information produced by Union. (The two list to be compared are > called "ta" and "un" in the package enclosed.) > > Strangely enough, the program compares list elements 5 and 10 > explicitly, and comes to the > conclusion that element 5 and 10 belong to the same equivalence class, > nevertheless they are > both listed seperately in the Tally, but - correctly - lumped up in the > Union. > > Do I misinterpret something here or is there a bug in Tally? (Tally is > new in Mathematica 6, and I > would find it extremely useful, if it would do what I expect it to do.) > > Michael > > Here comes my little package in order to reproduce the effect.... > > BeginPackage["wick`"] > > Needs["Combinatorica`"]; > diagrams::usage="Calculate diagrams"; > basicedges::usage; > > Begin["`Private`"] > > wick[a_, b_] := pair[a, b]; > wick[a_, b__]:= Sum[Expand[pair[a, {b}[[i]]] > Delete[Unevaluated[wick[b]], i]], {i, Length[{b}]}]; > ham[n_Integer]:=(ns=4*n-3;{c[ns],c[ns+1],d[ns+2],d[ns+3]}); > basicedges[n_]:=Flatten[Table[{{{i,i+1}, EdgeColor->Red}}, > {i,1,2*n,2}],1]; > hamserie[n_Integer]:=Flatten[Table[ham[i],{i,n}]]; > cvertices[n_Integer]:={{n,1},{n,0}}; > cvertexserie[n_Integer]:=Flatten[Table[cvertices[i],{i,n}],1]; > pair[c[_],c[_]]:=0; > pair[d[_],d[_]]:=0; > pair[a_Integer,b_Integer]/;(a>b):=pair[b,a]; > > diagrams[n_]:=Module[{wickli, rep, i, cgraph, cvertices, congraph, le, > un, ta}, > > wickli=wick[Sequence@@hamserie[n]]/.Plus->List; > le=Length[wickli[[1]]]; > wickli=wickli/.{pair[c[i_],d[j_]]->pair[i,j], > pair[d[i_],c[j_]]->pair[i,j]}; > graph={}; > While[wickli=!={}, > wickli=rempar[First[wickli],wickli,n, le]]; > > (*edge reduction and edgelist construction for use by Combinatorica*) > rep=Dispatch[Flatten[Table[{Rule[2*i-1,i],Rule[2*i,i]},{i,2*n}]]]; > graph=(Take[#,-le]/.rep/.pair[a__]^_->pair[a])&/@graph; > > be=basicedges[n]; > cgraph=Map[List,(graph/.{pair->List, Times->List}),{2}]; > cvertices=List/@cvertexserie[n]; > cgraph=Join[be,#]&/@cgraph; > cgraph=Graph[#,cvertices]&/@cgraph; > > (* Now I compare Union and Tally *) > un=Union[cgraph,SameTest->IsomorphicQ]; > Print["Union: number of elements: ", Length[un]]; > Print[GraphicsGrid[Partition[ShowGraph[#]&/@un, 3,3,{1,1},{}]]]; > > ta=Tally[cgraph,IsomorphicQ]; > ta=Sort[ta]; > Print["Tally: Number of Elements: ", Length[ta]]; > Print[GraphicsGrid[Partition[ShowGraph[#]&/@(First/@ta), > 3,3,{1,1},{}]]]; > > Print["Are 5 and 10 isomorphic? ", IsomorphicQ[cgraph[[5]], > cgraph[[10]]]]; > > ]; > > rempar[li_,wickli_List,n_Integer,le_]:=Module[{lis, mult, gem, pre, i}, > lis={Take[li,-le]}; pre=Drop[li,-le]; > Do[lis=Join[lis,lis /. {i->i+1, i+1->i}], {i,1,4*n-1,2}]; > lis =Union[lis]; > mult=Length[lis]; > graph=Join[graph,{li*mult}]; > Complement[wickli,pre*lis] > ]; > > End[]; > EndPackage[]; > > > > > > > -- DrMajorBob at