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Re: Re: SeriesCoefficient: needs work!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83536] Re: [mg83490] Re: SeriesCoefficient: needs work!
  • From: Devendra Kapadia <dkapadia at>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 04:52:31 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fhrr3r$53r$> <>

On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, Peter Pein wrote:

> jackgold at schrieb:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I have been experimenting with the new (ver 6) command,
>> SeriesCoefficient in the form,
>> SeriesCoefficient[fnt,{x,x0,n}].
>> Here fnt is a function of x and n is symbolic.  This command is
>> supposed to return the nth coefficient in the series expansion of fnt
>> about x0.
>> I have found the following results on a MacBook Pro running Tiger.
>> 1) SeriesCoefficient[Cos[x] Exp[x], {x, 0, n}] returns itself, unevaluated.
>> 2) SeriesCoefficient[Cos[x] Exp[x]/(1-x), {x, 0, n}] returns an
>> expression involving incomplete Gamma functions with an imaginary
>> argument.  Odd that 1) does not compute but 2) does! Not that the
>> result is terribly revealing, by the way.
>> 3) SeriesCoefficient[Sin[x] Exp[x], {x, 0, n}] so preposterously
>> complicated that most of us would have preferred no result!  (Just
>> joking.  The result is far to complicated to publish here.)
>> My opinion is that this use of SeriesCoefficient should not be offered
>> to the public until some of these obvious glitches are cleaned up.
>> Incidentally, since the nth terms of the individual functions Sin[x],
>> Cos[x], Exp[x] and 1/(1-x) can be found using SeriesCoefficient and
>> surely Mathematica knows how to find the nth coefficient of a product of power
>> series, I suspect the problem lies in the finite summation which
>> results from the use of the Cauchy product formula.
> Strange.
> In Version 5.2 the good old SeriesTerm[] in the package DiscreteMath got its
> difficulties in case 2:
> In[1]:=
> << "DiscreteMath`"
> In[2]:=
> SeriesTerm[Cos[x]*E^x, {x, 0, n}]
> Out[2]=
> (1 - I)^n/(2*n!) + (1 + I)^n/(2*n!)
> In[3]:=
> SeriesTerm[(Cos[x]*E^x)/(1 - x),
>  {x, 0, n}]
> Out[3]=
> Piecewise[{{ComplexInfinity, n >= 1}},
>  (I^n*KroneckerDelta[Mod[n, 2]])/
>   Gamma[1 + n]]
> In[4]:=
> SeriesTerm[Sin[x]*E^x, {x, 0, n}]
> Out[4]=
> -((1/Pi)*(2^(1 + n/2)*
>    (Cos[(n*Pi)/4] + Cos[(3*n*Pi)/4])*
>    Gamma[-n]*Sin[(n*Pi)/4]^2))
> And the package SpecialFunctions by Prof. Wolfram Koepf (
> ) has got problems
> with case 2 too:
> In[1]:=
> << "SpecialFunctions`"
>> From In[1]:=
> "SpecialFunctions, (C) Wolfram Koepf, version 2.01, 2006"
>> From In[1]:=
> "Fast Zeilberger, (C) Peter Paule and Markus Schorn (V 2.2) loaded"
> In[3]:=
> PS[Cos[x]*Exp[x], x, 0]
> Out[3]=
> sum[(2^(k/2)*x^k*Cos[(k*Pi)/4])/k!, {k, 0, Infinity}]
> In[4]:=
> PS[Cos[x]*(Exp[x]/(1 - x)), x, 0]
> Out[4]=
> SpecialFunctions`Private`df[3]
> In[5]:=
> PS[Sin[x]*Exp[x], x, 0]
> Out[5]=
> sum[(2^(k/2)*x^k*Sin[(k*Pi)/4])/k!, {k, 0, Infinity}]
> Shouldn't the V6-function SeriesCoefficient be at least as smart as the
> V5.2-package is? But maybe the new version gets some series representations
> where the old one fails.
> Peter

Thank you for these examples and observations about SeriesCoefficient
in Mathematica 6.

The problem with the first and third examples (general series coefficients 
for Cos[x]*Exp[x] and Sin[x]*Exp[x]) is indeed caused by difficulties in
evaluating the underlying finite sums. A partial workaround is to use 
TrigToExp in these cases as shown below (for completeness, all three 
examples are evaluated along with checks using the Series function).


In[1]:= $Version

Out[1]= 6.0 for Linux x86 (32-bit) (June 28, 2007)

In[2]:= SeriesCoefficient[Cos[x] Exp[x] // TrigToExp, {x, 0, n}]//InputForm

Out[2]//InputForm= (1 - I)^n/(2*n!) + (1 + I)^n/(2*n!)

In[3]:= Table[%, {n, 0, 7}] // InputForm

Out[3]//InputForm= {1, 1, 0, -1/3, -1/6, -1/30, 0, 1/630}

In[4]:= Normal[Series[Cos[x] Exp[x], {x, 0, 7}]] // InputForm

Out[4]//InputForm= 1 + x - x^3/3 - x^4/6 - x^5/30 + x^7/630

In[5]:= SeriesCoefficient[Cos[x] Exp[x]/(1 - x), {x, 0, n}] // InputForm

(E^(1 - I)*(1 + n)*Gamma[1 + n, 1 - I])/(2*Gamma[2 + n]) +
  (E^(1 + I)*(1 + n)*Gamma[1 + n, 1 + I])/(2*Gamma[2 + n])

In[6]:= Table[%, {n, 0, 7}] // FullSimplify // InputForm

Out[6]//InputForm= {1, 2, 2, 5/3, 3/2, 22/15, 22/15, 185/126}

In[7]:= Normal[Series[Cos[x] Exp[x]/(1 - x), {x, 0, 7}]] // InputForm

1 + 2*x + 2*x^2 + (5*x^3)/3 + (3*x^4)/2 + (22*x^5)/15 + (22*x^6)/15 +

In[8]:= SeriesCoefficient[Sin[x] Exp[x] // TrigToExp, {x, 0, n}] // InputForm

Out[8]//InputForm= ((I/2)*(1 - I)^n)/n! - ((I/2)*(1 + I)^n)/n!

In[9]:= Table[%, {n, 0, 7}] // InputForm

Out[9]//InputForm= {0, 1, 1, 1/3, 0, -1/30, -1/90, -1/630}

In[10]:= Normal[Series[Sin[x] Exp[x] // TrigToExp, {x, 0, 7}]] //InputForm

Out[10]//InputForm= x + x^2 + x^3/3 - x^5/30 - x^6/90 - x^7/630


I apologize for the confusion caused by these problems.


Devendra Kapadia,
Wolfram Research, Inc.

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