Programming simple Bellman Equation and tracking the controls
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg83631] Programming simple Bellman Equation and tracking the controls
- From: martin_schleicher at
- Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 03:48:21 -0500 (EST)
Hi everybody, I am pretty new to Mathematica and I guess the problem I am encountering is not difficult to solve. I am trying to solve a simple dynamic programing problem for finite horizon - finite states (t=0,1,2,3), where: 1) control / decision is u(t) 2) state x(t+1)=[x(t)+u(t)]^2 (the state next period depends on the current state and the control chosen) 3) cost at each period: x(t)-u(t) 4) Objective: Minimize sum of costs across periods starting at period t=0 and state x(0)=0. The following function computes the total cost properly (I think!) in recursive fashion. J[t_, w_] := J[t, w] = If[t >= 3, 0, Extract[ Minimize[{(-u + w) + J[t + 1, (w + u)^2], -1 <= u <= 1 && u \ [Element] Integers}, u] , 1] ]; J[0, 0] = -1 However, I don't know how to track the controls u[t] to use at each period that solve the minimization. For this basic problem they should be: u[0]=0;u[1]=0;u[2]=1. Whatever I try I just get one control u =1. I hope someone can help me out. Best, Slater