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Re: Mathematica 6 Automated Compatibility Tools

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83643] Re: Mathematica 6 Automated Compatibility Tools
  • From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 06:09:03 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fibfhj$5kl$>

One possibility is to add a cell tag to those cells that are
InvisibleInput cells and then select them all and change them to Input
cells.  Do this in V 5 and then open the notebook in V6.  Then, after
the compatibility check is completed, select all cells with the cell
tag that you assigned to the original InvisibleInput cells and then
change them back to InvisibleInput cells.

The tagging can be managed by usual Mathematica interface, or if you
have A WorkLife FrameWork, you can use the Tagging Palette (http:// to
manage this.  Indeed, the name InvisibleInput suggests to me that you
simply want these cells to be ones whose visibility you can turn on
and off.  The Tagging Palette's functionality lets you do exactly this
quite easily without needing to use different cells styles....

As for relaunching the compatibility tool the following should work.
Execute the following in the notebook in question:

 DockedCells ->
  FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEExpressions", "CompatibilityToolbar"]]

Note that this will remove any DockedCells that you might already have
in the notebook.  If need be a more sophisticated approach can save
those DockedCells temporarily.

I hope that this helps...

A WorkLife FrameWork
E x t e n d i n g MATHEMATICA's Reach...

On Nov 25, 4:33 am, Hannachi <nicolas_hanna... at> wrote:
> In many notebooks created with Mathematica 5 I have important computations in cells in a style I created named : InvisibleInput (cells wich are invisible in PrintOut Environment)
> The Automated Compatibility Tools scan only Input Cells, how can I add InvisibleInput Cells to this scanning without changing their style ?
> How can I re-lounch the Automated Compatibility Tools in a mathematica6 notebook?

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