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Re: Mathematica 6.0 Desperation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83675] Re: Mathematica 6.0 Desperation
  • From: Szabolcs Horvát <szhorvat at>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:28:59 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <figtq9$fa7$>

Jesus M. Goiri wrote:
>  Dear Sirs
>  I have tried some items that seem to hang Mathematica 6.0. However  
>  they work perfectly fine in the 5.2 version. I have tried to  
>  discover the flaw and I have not been able to do so. The problem  
>  pertains at some code I extracted from a book about Mathematica  
>  applications by Boccara, particularly the examples that relate to  
>  fractals, Julia and Mandelbrot Sets.
>  I have below the lines of code. I you try them, I'd wish to see if  
>  you are able to make them work.
>  Yours sincerely,
>  Jesus M, Goiri
>  Clear[JuliaTest]
>  JuliaTest = Compile[{x, y, {n, _Integer}, {c, _Complex}},
>    Module[{z, num = 0}, z = x + y I;
>      While[Abs[z] < 2.0 && num < n, z = z^2 + c; num++]; num]]
>  DensityPlot[JuliaTest[x, y, 50, -0.75 + 0.5 I],
>  {x, 1.24, 1.27}, {y, -0.13, -0.1}, PlotPoints -> 500,
>  Mesh -> False, ColorFunction -> Hue]

Don't use PlotPoints -> 500 with Mathematica 6.  In Mathematica 6, 
DensityPlot automatically increases the number of points when necessary, 
just like Plot did in v5.  I think that it also uses interpolation to 
make the plot look smoother.  So it is ideal for plotting smooth 
functions, but not so good for plotting a Julia set.

ArrayPlot is a better choice here:

  Table[JuliaTest[x, y, 50, -0.75 + 0.5 I], {x, 1.24,
    1.27, .0001}, {y, -0.13, -0.1, .0001}], ColorFunction -> Hue]


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