Re: Question about GUIkit and creating Tabs
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg83718] Re: Question about GUIkit and creating Tabs
- From: psycho_dad <s.nesseris at>
- Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 06:17:28 -0500 (EST)
- References: <fijfmu$h5u$>
I found a solution to my problem. One way to do it is to use the InvokeMethod command. Unfortunately, it is poorly documented, so I had to turn to java documentation. Now, InvokeMethod is used as InvokeMethod[{"widget Name", "method that can be used on the widget"},values for the method] Use "MethodNames"/.GUIInformation[ref,"widget Name"] ,where ref is the object you want (as below (ref=GuiRun[...]), to get the available methods for your widget and go to the java documentation centre eg for tabs, to see how it is used. Explicitly, InvokeMethod[{"group", "insertTab"}, "Tab name", , Widget["Button", {"text"}, Name -> "Button name"]], , index] If anyone has a better way please tell me. The part of the code I will use in my project is shown below. I hope this might be of help in general. Cheers, psycho_dad (* ------------------------------------------- *) Needs["GUIKit`"] ref = GUIRun[count`index = {1}; count`num = 1; count`tab = 2; Widget["Panel", {WidgetGroup[{ Widget[ "Button", {"label" -> "add tab", BindEvent["action", Script[addbutton[]]]}], Widget[ "Button", {"label" -> "kill tab", BindEvent["action", Script[killbutton[]]]}], Widget[ "TextField", {"text" -> "2", BindEvent["action", Script[count`tab = ToExpression[PropertyValue[{"tabnum", "text"}]]]]}, WidgetLayout -> {"Stretching" -> {Maximize, None}}, Name -> "tabnum"]}, WidgetLayout -> Row], WidgetGroup[{Widget["Button", {"text" -> 1}, Name -> "Button 1"]}, WidgetLayout -> {"Grouping" -> {Tabs, Top, {"Tab 1"}}}, Name -> "group"], Script[ addbutton[] := (InvokeMethod[{"group", "insertTab"}, "Tab " <> ToString[1 + count`num], , Widget["Button", {"text" -> ToString[1 + count`num]}, Name -> "Button " <> ToString[1 + count`num]], , count`num]; AppendTo[count`index, 1 + count`num]; count`num++;)], Script[ killbutton[] := (InvokeMethod[{"group", "removeTabAt"}, count`tab]; count`index = Delete[count`index, count`tab];)] }, Name -> "panel"]];