MathGroup Archive 2007

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Re: Re: Tooltips in ContourPlot

There is one more problem with tooltips in ContourPlot in version 6.0.1.
If you give explicit Contours values that are not in
increasing order, the tooltips are wrong.
For example, the tooltips along the two contour lines

ContourPlot[x, {x, 0, 3}, {y, 0, 1}, Contours -> {2, 1}]

are reversed. The same for the ContourLabels:

ContourPlot[x, {x, 0, 3}, {y, 0, 1}, Contours -> {2, 1},
  ContourLabels -> Automatic]

I suspect that ContourPlot internally sorts the Contours
into increasing order, but forgets about the sorting
when writing the labels and tooltips.

Gianluca Gorni

On 3 ott 2007, at 08:25, Syd Geraghty wrote:

> David,
> I have had no luck after about 30 minutes scouring the documentation.
> By analogy with Plot
> Plot[Tooltip[Sin[x], "sine"], {x, 0, 10}]
> should give you what you want but does not.
> Try
> ContourPlot[
>   Tooltip[Re[Cosh[x + I y]] == Re[Sin[x + I y]], "expr1==expr2"], {x,
> -6,
>    6}, {y, -6, 6}]
> for an unexpected result.
> I hope someone comes up with an answer because tooltips documentation
> for ContourPlot indicates that
> it should work like tooltips for Graphics but it does not seem to.
> Syd Geraghty B.Sc., M.Sc.
> sydgeraghty at
> San Jose, CA
> On Oct 2, 2007, at 2:40 AM, David Park wrote:
>> Is it possible to control what is displayed in Tooltips in contour
>> plots?
>> For example, in the following plot:
>> ContourPlot[
>>  Re[Cosh[x + \[ImaginaryI] y]] ==
>>   Re[Sin[x + \[ImaginaryI] y]], {x, -6, 6}, {y, -6, 6}]
>> would it be possible to change the Tooltip to Re[Cosh[z]] == Re[Sin
>> [z]] or
>> to some descriptive text?
>> -- 
>> David Park
>> djmpark at

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