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Re: Setting up external functions to be called from Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82399] Re: Setting up external functions to be called from Mathematica
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 05:01:54 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <ff781v$nod$>


 > 1.  How do I create a MathLink template?  Can I just use text editor
 > and save it with .tm extension?

you write down a ASCII text and ask how to write a ASCII text ??
How do you write your C code ? With a ASCII editor ?? and you think
the same ASCII editor can't be used to write the template ?

 >Where should the file be saved?

On your hard disk ? on a floppy disk ? ? on a net work drive ???

So, and finaly there is a pre-processor called mprep,
this pre-processor read the template and the c-file and generate
several new functions, one of it is MLMain()
On a UNIX box you can use the mcc script that call the mprep
pre-processor. On Windows you have to call mprep by your self
to make valid C-code form the template and C-definitions you wrote.

Say you have a template and the C-fragment myfun.c than

mprep myfun.c -o myfun.tmp.c
gcc -o myfun myfun.tmp.c -lML

should generate (assuming you have include and library path set correct)
a executable myfun that you can install in Mathematica. If you have 
saved the *.tm file in a different directory than the code fragment
myfun.c, you have to give the correct path for both files.
If you don't know where to save the *.tm file --
don't make a *.tm file !
When I'm right, you know how to write the c-code fragment ? and you know
where to save it ? So just write the template definition at the top
of the file, i.e.,

:Function:      f
:Pattern:       f[x_Integer, y_Integer]
:Arguments:     {x, y}
:ArgumentTypes: {Integer, Integer}
:ReturnType:    Integer

#include "mathlink.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return MLMain(argc, argv);

int f(int x, int y) {
return x+y;

and call mprep with
mprep -o f.c
gcc -o myfun f.c -lML


pinksheep415 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to figure out how to call an external function from
> Mathematica.  Examples I've found so far doesn't give enough
> informations for a newbie like myself.
> The following is content of an example MathLink template file,
> :Begin:
> :Function:      f
> :Pattern:       f[x_Integer, y_Integer]
> :Arguments:     {x, y}
> :ArgumentTypes: {Integer, Integer}
> :ReturnType:    Integer
> :End:
> 1.  How do I create a MathLink template?  Can I just use text editor
> and save it with .tm extension?  Where should the file be saved?
> Following is the content of an example c code, I named it f.c:
> #include "mathlink.h"
> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
> return MLMain(argc, argv);
> }
> int f(int x, int y) {
> return x+y;
> }
> 2.  Although I copied "mathlink.h" file into INCLUDE folder for C
> compiler (I'm temporarily using Dev-C++), the compiler doesn't
> recognize MLMain(argc, argv);  Can anyone tell why?  Does this have to
> do w/ the kind of compiler I'm using?  Does this c file need to be in
> the same folder as the above .tm file?
> 3.  After I get these files saved in the right folders, how do I use
> them?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
> -selim50 at

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