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Re: Fitting a inverse function from complicated integral

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg87232] Re: [mg87210] Fitting a inverse function from complicated integral
  • From: Darren Glosemeyer <darreng at>
  • Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 04:21:08 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>

tibor dubaj wrote:
> Dear Group,
> I need to Fit this experimental data {x, OOT}:
> data = {
> {1, 444.6},
> {3, 455.15},
> {5, 464.81},
> {7, 467.79},
> {10, 469.01},
> {15, 480.28}}
> But there is a big problem with model equation:
> x = Integrate[A*Exp[-B/T], {T, 0, OOT}, Assumptions -> A > 0 && B > 0
> && OOT > 0]
> So, after integration:
> x = A (Exp[-B/OOT] OOT - B Gamma[0, B/OOT])
> I need to obtain a INVERSE function, i.e. OOT = f(x) and then find
> (e.g. via FindFit) best fitting parameters A, B.
> I have tried Series expansion, PadeApproximant etc., but every
> approximation of mentioned
> model contain A*Exp[-B/T], so I cannot find inverse function.
> Can Somebody help me with this problem?
> *****************
> $Version
> 6.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 7, 2008)

Assuming you are really just after the parameter estimates and 
attempting to symbolically invert the function is just a means to an 
end, one possibility is to define the model as a black box function that 
solves the equation numerically. This can be done using FindRoot.

In[1]:= data = {{1, 444.6}, {3, 455.15}, {5, 464.81}, {7, 467.79}, {10,
            469.01}, {15, 480.28}};

In[2]:= model[A_?NumericQ, B_?NumericQ, x_?NumericQ] :=
         Module[{OOT}, (OOT /.
             x == A (Exp[-B/OOT] OOT - B Gamma[0, B/OOT]), {OOT, 450, 

In[3]:= FindFit[data, model[A, B, x], {{A, 7*10^13}, {B, 15000}}, x]

Out[3]= {A -> 3.23774 10  , B -> 15914.5}

For the starting values for A and B, I took values close to those 
obtained by plugging the first and last data points into the equation 
and solving for A and B.

Darren Glosemeyer
Wolfram Research

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