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Circles and Text Offset in Graphics3D

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg87602] Circles and Text Offset in Graphics3D
  • From: Steve Gray <stevebg at>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 05:43:28 -0400 (EDT)

	Two questions:

	1. Is there any way to define a circle in Graphics3D other
than by using a Cylinder with a very short length? I'm doing that now
but it seems inefficient, and especially calculating the direction of
the cylinder's axis seems unnecessary. The circle could be defined by
3 points in 3D it goes through and the usual colors, thickness, etc.
Or by its center, radius, and a vector parallel to the axis. 

	2. I have some Points in Graphics3D with a numeric label on
each one. The labels obscure the points. I'd like to move the text off
to the side of the point, but I don't see any offset that applies to
the 2D projection of the text. I tried putting a few spaces before the
actual label, but the spaces are dropped and the label is recentered
around its location so it still obscures the point.

	I've looked in all places that seem relevant. Thanks for any

Steve Gray

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