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Re: OpenerView (with cells?)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg88130] Re: OpenerView (with cells?)
  • From: Albert Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 03:41:18 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fus8d0$82k$>


> In the Mathematica documentation viewer, it looks as though sections  
> and subsection headers are implemented using an OpenerView that can  
> contain cells. At least when you click on the disclosure triangle next  
> to sections like "Examples", "More Information", "Options", and so on,  
> the view reveals a number of input, output, and text cells.

I don't think these are implemented with OpenerView but at a lower level
 with something like Opener, or even more likely at an even lower level
which is probably not documented and not easy to access. Anyway, you can
achieve the same behaviour with something like:

CellPrint@Cell["tst", "Section",
  CellDingbat -> ToBoxes@DynamicModule[{state = False},
          FrontEnd`SelectionMove[FrontEnd`ButtonNotebook[], All,
        state = #

Of course you need to assure to create the right cell grouping if you
don't want to rely on the automatic grouping of sections, subsections
etc. On the other hand, when you create the correct grouping, you can
just as well use the option ShowGroupOpener->True for the first cell to
automatically get an opener with the correct behavior.



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